Chapter 70: Calming Fears

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Hank carefully helped Jay up, and they walked towards the door to head back down the building steps. They didn't get far, though, as arms instantly wrapped around Jay pulling him close to her. 

Jay takes a deep breath, in-hailing her scent in letting that take over every thought he was feeling. It was much better than reliving the scene that had just played out on the roof. It was much better than every thought back to his childhood. It was even better than how his body was feeling right now. 

"I was so scared," Erin whispers as she keeps him held against her, arms wrapped around him to not let him move an inch from where she was. She kept replaying the words confrontation on the roof and a body flying off the roof to the ground in her head that had come across the radio. Her mind immediately went to the worst case scenario, almost throwing up at the mere thought of what could've happened in that span of time. She didn't know if she would have been able to handle it. "I am just glad that you are okay..." 

"He needs to be checked out by the medics downstairs," Hank states as he does not walk far from where the pair stood. He knew what Jay had told him on the roof about his interference, but that didn't mean he was going to listen as well as hoped. He was still the unit's superior, and Jay worked underneath him. Therefore, he was going to do whatever necessary to protect and ensure things went smoothly for his detective. 

"Are you oka-"

"I probably broke a couple ribs when Kenny pushed me back as we were arguing," Jay states as he runs her fingers over her cheeks. Every emotion he felt moments go erased. All that was his focus was the worry and concern laced in the eyes before his own right now. He wanted to make her feel better. He wanted to offer her the assurance she needed. At least one of them would be okay. "I am fine, okay? You don't have to worry about me. I am okay, Erin." 

"It is still protocol that you are checked out by the paramedics," Hank repeats once again. He knew Jay would prefer to do whatever necessary so he could get out of there and cuddle up in Erin's arms at home. However, there were procedures that were to be followed in these situations for the safety of everyone involved. That involved any officer injured to be checked out by paramedics, and hospital staff to follow. 

Also, given the events that followed, there was no question higher ups including IAD would be awaiting their arrival downstairs. They would want a full account from everyone involved as to what happened. Hank knew Jay would want to deal with that as quickly as possible, detailing what was said and happened with Kenny. Hank was not so sure if that was a good idea. Even though he believed Jay did not push Kenny off the roof, he was not sure if everyone else would think the same. He was worried about one wrong thing said offering the wrong perspective that sent them down a path they did not need to go down. 

"Please just do as Hank is asking," Erin suggests as she finally unwraps her arms from his body, but does not even think of letting their fingers lose touch of each others just yet. She was going to hold onto him until the absolute moment she was told that was not possible any longer for some reason. "Give us the assurance that you are okay. Please Jay, please..." 

"Alright, I'll go see Will, get him to tell me what we know, and tell me that I cannot do anything for a couple weeks," Jay says as they begin the walk to the elevator. He then reaches for his badge on his waist, unclipping it along with his firearm. He then reaches his hand out to Hank with both of them. It was going to happen once they saw IAD so he might as well put them both in comfortable hands for the time being. It was just procedure. He had done nothing wrong. He would state what happened, get his name cleared, and everything back in his procession when his injured ribs had healed. "Give it to the officers while I begin the process." 

They then step in the elevator, watching the door close behind them as they begin the ride down to the main floor. There were no words spoken between the trio as Erin wraps her arms back around Jay. She had seen the exchange. She had noticed how Hank wanted to enter the roof by himself first before any of them. She had read both of their eyes since being allowed to see Jay. She had seen the emotions written in them. There was no heartbreak. There was no pain. There was no signs of remorse. It was just a blank darkness, and it had her asking the question that she did not think was possible.

She knew Jay was not happy with Kenny. She knew there had been words and allegations traded. She also knew Jay's own history involving abuse with his father. What had happened on the roof? Had Jay pushed the man over the edge? 

"No matter what, I love you," she whispers, dropping a kiss on his cheek. She knew as soon as they reached the outside world, the chance for an interaction this personal was slim to none. There would be a ton of eyes on Jay after what happened, and she didn't want to persuade the perception. "You did what you believed in your heart. No matter what happens, I am here by your side." 

"He has the entire unit behind him," Hank states as they reach the main floor, watching the door open as they make their way slowly out. It was only now a matter of steps before they saw everyone else that was waiting for them, ready to judge what had happened. 

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