Chapter 28: A Nap

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Hank closes the door to his office, eyes focused on the pair that stood before him. It was clear they both had a lot on their mind as to what had just happened, and the lectures were about to come.

"Before you both chew me out, he is okay," Hank tries to assure them both, not wanting them to barge through the door. "He had a panic attack. I calmed him down, and he's having a nap. He said his chest was a little sore, but that was easing as he relaxed. He's fine. And before you both tell me that I should not have brought him to the district today and let him hear what Patrick had to say, we both know what he would tell you in response. He needed to hear that for closure. It will help him more than it will hurt him." 

"Are you sure the chest pain is okay?" Will questions, beginning to see every possible complication as he and Connor had discussed. There were still possible issues that could arise with the injury. It was why he should not have been released from hospital yet. It was why he should be at home resting right now. It was why he should not be anywhere near work, currently placed on medical leave.

"He said it was easing off. Maybe after he has a nap, you can check and see....." Hank looks back in the office, seeing his detective curled up on the couch, trying to hide the smile that was forming on his lips. It was nice to see the man who had become like a son to him back home, and going to be okay.

"We should be on our way home so he can properly get comfortable," Erin comments, earning a nod of agreement from Will. Obviously Hank knew that being home was probably best for Jay right now. However, he was not about to let him move sooner than warranted in wanting to allow him to relax as much as possible after what had happened in the office. "Patrick isn't getting away with this at all, right?" 

"He should be locked in prison for his whole life for that stunt!" Will offers his take, this time with Erin offering the nod of approval. The only time they were ever on the same page, it seemed, was when it came to worrying about Jay. 

"Do you really think I am going to make a deal with the man who just tried to blow up my lead detective?" Hank questions, surprised by either of their remarks right now. At least they had stopped bothering him directly about Jay's well-being. 

"Lead detective...." Erin muses in hearing the words as she nods her head with intrigue. She had always been Hank's favourite, having lived with him since she was 16. She always got the immediate attention. Of course, that probably all washed away when she left Chicago for New York. But Jay had spent time away from the unit in Bolivia. How did he keep his ranking? 

"If I was going to retire tomorrow, I would hand the unit over to his hands and know I was doing the right thing. I've told him that to face his face, and no matter what happens, that is not changing." It seemed like a statement more than anything, even if it stung a bit for Erin to hear in feeling as though her spot had been replaced. 

The conversation happening outside of the office was not of mind for the detective who laid on the couch. The calm sleep that Hank had hoped he would get, though, was instead not happening. Instead, no matter what he did, he could not erase the images that crossed his mind.

"Mouse, are you okay?" He calls out as he tries to get his breathes about him, looking around.

The scene surrounding him was that out of a disaster movie. There was a hum-vee flipped completely upside down just feet away from his view. There were big stone bricks and tree limbs scattered everywhere. Sparks could seen coming off the electrical wires. There was a water main burst, with the liquid flowing in every single direction.

He wanted to move. He wanted to check on all of his guys. He wanted to make sure everybody was okay. He was the leader. He had to make sure everyone was okay. It was his job to make sure they all got home safe. But he could not move. He was stuck on his side, buckled into the driver's seat, unable to free himself from the debris wedged around him. He felt pain everywhere - his head hurt the most, but his legs felt like they were on fire. 

"Mouse? Shawn? Unit answer me! Are you okay?!?" It seemed like the cries were empty, pointless in hearing not a single sound in return.

"Jay?" Will says out loud as he taps his brother's shoulder. "Wake up, Jay. Please..." 

Jay snaps out of his sleep in an instant, sitting up immediately, swinging his punch directly in front of him in the direction of the voice. Will, used to these reactions, immediately ducked, before sitting back up to look at his brother in the eyes. 

"You're in the 21st district," Will tells him, knowing the first step to calming him down was assuring him the images were not real. It was all about reminding him of where he actually was, and what was happening. 

"I'm sorry," Jay immediately says, as he looks down at his right hand, seeing the fist formation that remained from the punch he had attempted to throw at his brother. He slowly uncurls his fingers, as he takes a series of deep breathes, trying to get his wits about him. "I didn't mean to punch you." 

"I know better. I duc-"

"I kept thinking about the last time. I was helpless. There was no way I should've been okay. What would I have done without Mouse?" Will takes his brother's hands with his own, taking a deep breath. The nightmares were never easy. The depicting of images and details as to what he had gone through being shared always made Will's stomach flip. How could someone go through all of this? It was no wonder if he was still suffering PTSD from the incident.

"But you are okay. You survived that, you survived what happened a couple days, and you are going to be okay. Jay, that's all that matters......" 

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