Chapter 41: The Boyfriend's House

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Erin and Jay look at the file once again before them, nodding their heads before they climb out of the car together. 200 Riddle Ave. The house number before them on the brown brick matched what they saw on the file folder. This was where they were supposed to find Sterling Brown, current boyfriend of Lilly Keaton, one of the girls they had found dead a couple hours ago.

Jay slips on his vest, doing it up before grabbing his coat to put over it in knowing it was a cool day in Chicago. He then reaches into the trunk of the car, pulling out the gun, loading the bullets and giving Erin a nod. He was ready for what was to come once they got inside the house.

The conversation with the girl's mother had led them to finding out that Sterling Brown was Lilly's boyfriend. She spent at least five times a week over at his house, wanting to be away from the circus she called her mother's life. It seemed the young girl was discontent on what the spotlight on her mother was doing to her life with unwanted attention.

Jay and Erin had elected to make the trip over, in wanting to know what Sterling could tell them about the oldest of the daughters. Could he shed light more on Lilly's discontent with her mother? Or even better, could there be details that connected to the drugs found in the bedsroom? What if he was the source? What if he knew where she was getting them from? It was time to piece together the lives these girls led that could have resulted in what happened. 

Jay walks up to the door, knocking on it as they would begin upon appearing at any address. It was just about having a conversation. Why would someone avoid answering the door? There was only one reason for doing that - there was something to hide.

"There's movement in the house," Adam calls from the back of the house where he and Kim stood by the backdoor, ready to charge in should the situation arise.

"Chicago PD!" Jay yells out before repeating the knock once again. He received the same response before as he thought over the options - well, there was only one when he thought it over. He knew what they were supposed to do at this point. "Avoiding the police is impeding on an investigation. Either you come out or we are going to come in there!"

The request is answered followed by the door opening before them as Sterling Brown stands face-to-face with the officer. Jay moves his jacket slightly to the right, showing the badge that was clipped to his vest.

"We just want to talk to you," Erin simply tells the man, which was no word of a lie - for now. If they found something, it could be a different story. "I'm sure you saw on the news that Lilly Keaton was found dead in her mother's house with her sister. We thought you could maybe give us some answers as Lindsay Keaton says you were dating her daughter." 

"We spent quite a bit of time together," Sterling easily reveals, eyes glancing between the pair of detectives before him. "I loved her quite a bit. I felt bad for the situation that she was stuck in." 

"May we ask what situation that was? Are you referring to her mother and the controversy of the bill?" 

"Why don't we go inside and talk?" Jay asks, seeing a couple neighbours looking down towards the house. He knew they were probably aware of Lilly Keaton having visited the street before, and were already putting theories of their own together. "I feel like this should be a private conversation." 

"I can't let you in my hou-"

"That's fine as we can do this down at the station if you would like. But why can't you let us in your house?" It was a reasonable question to ask as there was no real true reason to keep police from entering your property, unless you had something to hide. What could be inside these four walls? 

"If there's drugs, we aren't looking to press any charges," Erin adds, trying to earn his trust. She knew she could find a way around these words if need be should an issue arise once they were inside of the residence. She was Hank Voight's adopted daughter, and he was the king of doing that. "We just want to know about Lilly and her life. That's the only reason we are here." 

"I think this conversation is ov-" Sterling goes to start, only to be pushed up against the wall by Jay and stopped in his tracks. 

Erin took the sign immediately, making her way inside the residence and straight to the back door. She opens it up, allowing Adam and Kim to make their way inside. 

The trio then begin to scour their way through the whole house, checking every single room as they do for signs of anything out of place or a person.

Erin made her way to the far room in the basement during the walk through, opening the door. She noticed the empty white plastic packets, as well as lock box and a couple white bricks alongside. Taking a deep breath, she knew they matched what was found in the girl's bedsroom.

"There's drugs matching what we found at the girls in the basement," she radios as she begins the trek back up the steps. "Cash lock box, a couple kilos and bags for packaging." 

"Multiple pill bottles with several different brands in the bedsroom upstairs," Adam adds to their findings. The comments over the radio only caused Jay's grip on the suspect to increase that much more.

"Guess we are going down to the station," Jay tells him, before reaching for the handcuffs on his waistband with his left hand as he kept him held utilizing his right and body weight. He then grabs one of Sterling's hands, bringing it to his back and clasping it with the other hand. "You are under arrest for at least the procession of the drugs. We'll see how many more charges we have on you before you even reach the district." 

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