Chapter 64: The Phone Call

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It was clear that Jay was going stir crazy as he waited for the girls to return, or any developments that they could find. He was beyond curious as to knowing what the girls learned from Luna. He was beyond curious whether Adam or Kevin could dig up anything in the form of previous nuggets that could be offered proof for the father possibly abusing the son.

It drove him crazy enough he needed some air out of the office, so he took a trip down to the local sandwich shop to grab himself a sandwich and some air. Standing back against the truck, he leans against it as he takes a bite of the sandwich. 

A series of deep breathes follow, as he tries to erase the images of his own childhood out of his mind. He tried to erase every single fight he had with his father. He tried to erase every single fight he witnessed between his father and mother. He tried to erase the extra pain his father brought after his mother died. He was the worthless son that could not save his mother, right? 

He hears his phone go off, catching his attention as he glances at it. An Unknown Number was nothing new as that was common on the work phone. It came with people getting his number through various cases, or other cops when they wanted to reach to ask a question. Who was the lucky person calling him today?

"Jay Halstead," he simply states as he answers the phone call. He was almost ready to ignore it entirely, not wanting to lose focus on the current case. He was ready to erase all of his own personal thoughts and focus back to the case at hand. He had to get justice for Sterling. He had to find the piece to take Kenny down.

"Glad I got the right number," he hears on the other end, recognising the voice immediately. After the words he was told to his face, it was a voice he would not ever forget until the owner was locked behind bars for the rest of his life. The fact he was calling him and using a dark tone with his voice to sound strong and threatening just furthered his suspicions. Why would he be calling otherwise?

"If you want to talk about your son's case, we need to meet face-to-face. I can come to where you are or you can meet me back at the 21st district. If you have information that you feel is necessary for me to know, I will gladly listen. Like I told you, I am doing whatever necessary to find out who killed your little boy. Otherwise, we are ending this phone call." He takes a deep breath, knowing there was much more he wanted to say right now to Kenny. He wanted to ask him why. He wanted to ask him all the details. He wanted to know what it felt like to be such a monster. How could he do that? And why? What was the motive? Was it over a stupid little fight, or something else? "What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Reynolds? What are we doing here?" 

"You caused my daughter to think I am an evil perso-"

"A detective asking your daughter about her brother and her father would not make her think that. It would take actions on your part to paint a particular image in her mind." Jay goes into his text messages, hoping to see something from either Kim or Erin about the conversation they had with Luna. It was obvious they had made headway if Kenny was calling. Perhaps they made more than he had anticipated as the father was now seemingly nervous and worried, hence calling Jay right now. Maybe he should have recorded the phone call in case of what is to come in the conversation. 

"My daughter was asked about my relationship with my son. My daughter stated that we used to argue a lot...." Jay takes a deep breath, glad the little girl had stated the details to Kim and Erin. Combined with the medical evidence, it was adding up to a single detail. He knew to always trust his gut beyond anything else.

"Parents have arguments, but did it go beyond that, Mr. Reynolds?" Jay knew it was not proper or protocol to have these conversations over the phone. He knew it would be better to insist the meeting, especially if a confession happened. However, if the father was willing to talk, he was going to make that happen. "Mr. Reynolds, what did these arguments with your son consist of? What were they about? Were they over homework, chores, or other things? The more details that you tell me now, the better it will be for you. Let me help you..." 

"We both know that you do not want to help me. It was clear with how you came into the room and practically accused me right away. You did not give me a chance to explain anything. You just assumed and put the pieces together between the medical information, and the little details you learned from my wife and daughter." Jay could not help but curse himself once again for not handling himself properly and professionally earlier. He was right to have gotten the lecture from Erin. He was right to not have been the right person in that situation. "Mr. Halstead, we both know the truth here. A conversation won't change what happened. My reasoning for what I did won't make you feel better or clear the conscious. You will have your opinion of me no matter what I tell you in response. The same goes both ways, though. I know people. I know people throughout all of the offices in the police district. I could have your badge stripped from you faster than you can read me my rights should you choose to arrest me. I would choose your next actions wisely..."  

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