Sanjana Rao

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In the serene village of Ramapura, the first rays of the morning sun bathed the landscape in a golden glow. The Shri Ram temple stood in the center, its ancient walls echoing with a melodious voice singing "Shri Rama Chandra Kripalu Bhajamana." Sanjana, a beautiful 18-year-old girl, stood within the temple, her voice blending with the spiritual atmosphere.

As the final note of the divine melody faded, Sanjana walked out of the temple, her eyes showing a deep calm that hinted at her divine connection with her favorite God, Shri Ram

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As the final note of the divine melody faded, Sanjana walked out of the temple, her eyes showing a deep calm that hinted at her divine connection with her favorite God, Shri Ram. Wearing a traditional half saree, colorful despite its being constantly worn for many years, Sanjana carried a bundle of old hand me down art supplies and headed to the village's scenic spot, her source of artistic inspiration.

Seating herself on the river bank's edge, her feet immersed in the cool, refreshing flow of water, Sanjana retrieved her art book. Over the next half-hour, she skillfully captured the picturesque scene before her with strokes of pencil, infusing her book with the essence of the serene village landscape. Satisfied with her creation, she gathered her belongings and returned home. Upon reaching home, she found her grandfather preparing for the day. Sanjana took on the role of a caregiver, cooking a simple breakfast of rice gruel porridge. With a side of homemade tangy mango pickle, she served the comforting meal to both her grandfather and herself. The home resonated with the warmth of laughter as the aroma of breakfast marked the beginning of another day in the life of Sanjana and her beloved grandfather.

After breakfast, Sanjana started on her day's labor, serving as a maid in the residence of the village doctor. Her tasks consisted of sweeping, mopping, laundry, and washing utensils. After completing her duties, she got the temple prasad that the priest offered on her way back home to share it with her grandfather for lunch. After lunch she left to the village chief's house to learn some basic book keeping from the accountant, Mr Shridhar. As she was busy completing the work that Mr Shridhar had given her, Shruthi, Sanjana's dearest friend and the daughter of the village head, came running towards her with a sense of urgency clearly visible on her face. She conveyed the unsettling news – Sanjana's grandfather, Ashok Rao, was not well.

Concern filled Sanjana's face as she hurried home with Shruthi. At home Sanjana's grandfather, her everything, sat quietly with his eyes closed and his head resting on the wall behind him, with his breathing labored and his hand massaging his chest. Worried and determined, Sanjana took her grandfather to the government clinic nearby. The doctor, at whose house Sanjana works, examined Ashok Rao, provided medicine to thin his blood, relax his blood vessels, and improve blood flow, then urgently recommended they go to the city hospital for further tests, suspecting the possibility of a heart attack. The gravity of the diagnosis hung in the air, and a heavy silence settled in the room.

As the reality set in, Sanjana felt an intense fear for her grandfather's well-being. The doctor advised that specialized scans, crucial for an accurate diagnosis, could only be conducted in a city hospital in Bengaluru and they had to travel immediately. The weight of this revelation hit Sanjana hard. The thought of traveling to a city, navigating new places, and dealing with medical procedures in an unfamiliar setting felt overwhelming. This would be her first time setting her foot outside the village in her life. 

Finally the decision was made – Ashok Rao, with his granddaughter and Shruthi by his side, left to Bengaluru. To help ease the financial burden, The village chief Gopi, spoke to his relative, Mrs Parimala who worked as a caretaker in Abhaya Hasta orphanage in Bengaluru where Sanjana and her grandfather could stay. Shruthi was all set to start her BE degree in Bengaluru. So she got Sanju and her grandfather settled in the orphanage and she left to her college hostel.

The next morning, they arrived at Krishna Hrudayalaya, a renowned hospital in Bengaluru. The towering glass exterior represented both hope and uncertainty. Inside, the bustling lobby was filled with the sounds of city life — rushing footsteps, ringing phones, and hurried conversations. The medical procedures that followed were a whirlwind of tests, consultations, and anxious moments in the waiting room. Sanjana, guiding her grandfather through the maze of hospital corridors, stood strong. The city's fast pace was an extreme challenge for the young girl, who was used to the comforting embrace of her village.

Finally, the doctor, with both knowledge and compassion, delivered the news. Ashok Rao did indeed have a heart block, and further medical intervention was necessary soon. The news, though expected, deeply worried Sanjana. The doctor outlined the treatment plan, emphasizing the need for surgery to address the block. Sanjana, scared with the enormity of the situation, absorbed every detail with a determination to ensure the best possible care for her grandfather. The surgery, a critical juncture in their journey, loomed ahead, casting a shadow of anxiety yet holding the promise of potential healing.

Sanjana, now needed to stay in Bengaluru for a while with her grandfather, sought help from Mrs. Parimala to find a job and requested a few days support to live there while she would help take care of cooking, cleaning and helping around the orphanage. Being a relative of Gopi, Mrs Parimala promised to help out as much as she can. She was really impressed with Sanjana's art depicting the village's river bank. It was a week since Sanju moved to Bengaluru and her routine was simple. Every morning she would visit Shri Ram temple near the orphanage, sing a bhajan praying for good health of her grandfather. Help with the orphanage. Spend time with the kids in the orphanage teaching them art, craft and dance. In the evenings, she would help the kids with whatever subjects she could. Assist with dinner cooking and then go to bed praying for the good health and happiness of everyone around her.

One day when Sanju was singing a new song on Shri Ram that she composed music for in the temple, Mrs. Lakshmi, Bhargav's grandmother, overheard the beautiful voice, captivated by the girl's devotion she stopped in delight looking happily at Sanju from the side. She was so mesmerized with her voice and the tune of the song. Once Sanjana finished singing, she returned to the orphanage, feeling calm and hopeful amidst the challenging times. However, by the time Mrs. Lakshmi could get down from her parked car, she found no trace of the mysterious singer. Perplexed, she returned home, her heart still resonating with the enchanting bhajan.

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the spoilers, latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the spoilers, latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

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