Rejection and Reflection

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Vishal sat in stunned silence at smoor, the bouquet of red roses now seeming like a garish reminder of his rejection. He had never felt such profound dejection in his entire life. After a long time, once his heart settled down a bit, he pulled out his phone and called Anitha, needing to share what had just transpired. "Anitha," Vishal began, his voice thick with emotion, "Sanju... she ran off. She didn't accept the proposal. All she did was whisper a trembling 'No' as she hurried away without offering any explanation. I've never seen such an intense reaction to a confession before."

Anitha was quiet for a moment, processing the news. "Vishal, it might have been too much for her. Sanju comes from a deeply traditional and conservative background, and given her young age and village upbringing, she may have never encountered a proposal before. It's possible it all just came too fast for her. Give her some time to think it over." Vishal sighed deeply, the weight of disappointment settling over him. "Maybe you're right. I'll try a different approach. A slower one this time."

After ending the call, Vishal, concerned about Sanju's state when she departed, decided to check on her at her desk. However, upon arriving, Usha informed him, "She just left, about five minutes ago." Puzzled, Vishal inquired, "What happened?" Usha replied, "She mentioned there was a family emergency." Curious and concerned, Vishal nodded his thanks and walked away, his mind racing with thoughts of Sanju's well-being. It was then he realized how little he knew about Sanju's background, her preferences, and her dislikes. Determined to understand her better, he resolved to gradually get to know her more deeply, believing that this would naturally bring them closer over time. He returned to his desk, immersing himself in work to distract his thoughts.

In the evening, as Vishal walked toward his car in the underground parking lot, he spotted Sanju approaching. His heart skipped a beat, filled with a blend of hope and concern. He hastened his steps and caught up to her. With a careful tone, he initiated, "Sanju, are you alright? Can we talk for a moment?" Sanju looked up, her expression neutral. "Yes, Vishal sir?" she responded. "I think I overwhelmed you with my proposal," Vishal continued, his concern evident. "You seemed hurt or offended by it, and that was never my intention." Sanju replied, a slight edge of frustration in her voice, "Why would you assume I'm the kind of girl who dates, Vishal sir? What gave you such a disgusting impression about me?" Vishal, genuinely confused, asked, "I don't understand, Sanju. Why is dating so bad?" Sanju took a deep breath, her voice reflective as she explained, "Where I come from, in the village, relationships are different. Everyone marries according to their parents' wishes. Those who date are often disowned. It's seen as disrespectful to the parents and the values of the family." Understanding dawned on Vishal's face as he nodded. "I see. I didn't realize that. I'm sorry if I offended you."

At that moment, the headlights of a passing car illuminated Sanju. In that moment Vishal's gaze dropped to the mangalsutra around her neck and the sindhoor in her hairline that was clearly visible. He stopped abruptly, his expression a mix of confusion and shock. "What... what are those, Sanju?" he asked. "Sindhoor and mangalsutra sir" she replied simply. Vishal, still puzzled, pressed further. "I see that, but why are you wearing them?" "Because I'm married," Sanju stated matter-of-factly. Vishal chuckled nervously, assuming it was a joke. "You don't have to joke, Sanju. I get that you rejected me, but there's no need to make things up." Sanju's face remained serious. "I'm not joking, sir. I really am married." His laughter faded as he searched her face for any hint of deceit but found none. "When did you get married? Who is your husband? What does he do?" Vishal asked, still struggling to accept her revelation. Sanju paused, mindful of Bhargav's request to keep their marriage under wraps. "I have been married for less than a year sir. I can't tell his name. It's disrespectful for a wife to speak the husband's name. He works in accounting," she improvised. Vishal's disbelief shifted to a smirk. "If you want your privacy, I respect that," he replied, half-convinced she was fabricating this story to deter his advances. "Quite the tactic, Sanju. But honestly, you're only 18, barely out of school. How are you already married? It doesn't add up. However, it does play into my hands by warding off any competition, allowing me to dedicate my efforts to winning you over." he thought, still doubting her story but deciding to step back for the moment. As he watched her walk away, he thought to himself, "No woman can resist persistent affection," convinced that with time and continued effort, he might change her mind.

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