Sanju and Bhargav Bonding

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"Now, about this afternoon," Bhargav began, shifting to address her earlier questions. ""When we were in the conference room, I was just overjoyed to see you. I pushed hard to wrap up my meetings in the US ahead of schedule because I wanted to surprise you, to see your genuine reaction when you realized I'd come back ten days early. But then..." His voice trailed off, his expression turning serious. "I received some unsettling news sometime after you left the room. It changed my mood completely, and I apologize for the abruptness and the way I acted." Sanju looked at him with wide eyes, eager for him to continue but understanding the weight of his words. "What happened? What news?" Bhargav's features softened, a slight sigh escaping him as he realized Sanju deserved the full story. He reached for her hand, holding it gently as a sign of support for the vulnerability he was about to share.

"Everything was as usual on my trip to US until I ran into Anjali. Yes, *that* Anjali," Bhargav's voice tightened a bit, his gaze flickering with the remnants of old pain. Sanju's eyes widened, an instinctive concern etching her features as she squeezed his hand, encouraging him to continue. "She tried to... reconnect, if you can call it that. Said she regretted everything, but you know, it's hard to believe a word she says after everything that happened. I kept it professional, short. But then, today," Bhargav paused, the frustration evident in his furrowed brow, "she sent me an email." Sanju's heart skipped a beat, dreading the content of such a correspondence. "What was in the email?" she asked softly, bracing herself. Bhargav took a deep breath, his voice low. "She took a photo of you and Vishal from the coffee shop. Misinterpreted the whole scenario, painted it in a... not so favorable light. She suggested things that were untrue, trying to stir up trouble, claiming you were not the person I thought you were." A bitter chuckle escaping him. "I know you, I trust you, and nothing she says could ever change that but I did not like that someone was proposing to you." His tone was resolute, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that conveyed his deep trust and affection. "I'm quite possessive, Sanju. I can't stand the thought of anyone else eyeing what's MINE, especially when it comes to you, the most cherished person in my life. That's why I insisted on changing your karemani sara and having you wear sindhoor — to make it clear to everyone that you are spoken for."

Sanju leaned closer, her voice firm. "Thank you for believing in me, for trusting us. I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Just know, I'm here for you, just like you're here for me." Bhargav's expression softened further, and he pulled her into a gentle embrace. "I know, Sanju. And that means everything to me. We'll get through this like we always do — together." As they sat there, united in their resolve, the challenges posed by Anjali seemed less daunting.

Bhargav leaned in closer, his tone light and teasing, "So, sweetheart, what did you mean earlier about me being so sweet when we met in the conference room?" Sanju, blushing deeply and avoiding his gaze, muttered, "Uh, well, the surprise was... nice." Bhargav raised an eyebrow, "Nice? Just nice? After I hustled to see you ten days early, I hoped for something a bit more enthusiastic than 'nice.'" Sanju, smiling shyly without meeting his eyes, added softly, "It was more than nice..." Bhargav, playfully pressing on, said, "Only a bit more? I aimed for that surprise to be unforgettable. Did my grand entrance miss the mark?" Sanju, now giggling nervously and fidgeting with her hands, replied, "It was unforgettable, I... I just didn't expect it." Bhargav grinned, moving closer, and teased, "You didn't expect a fierce, almost punishing kiss from a husband who missed you terribly?" As her blush deepened, Sanju stammered, "That part was..." Bhargav gently lifted her chin to meet his gaze and asked in a husky voice, "Intense? Overwhelming? Tell me, Sanju." In a whisper, she admitted, "Passionate, intense and overwhelming." Bhargav's smile widened as he drew nearer, "Passionate, huh? I had to make sure every inch of you remembered who you belong to." Pulling her closer into his lap, Bhargav inquired, "And what about when I hold you like this? Does this overwhelm you too?" Sanju, resting her head against his chest, whispered back, "Yes, but in a good way."

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