Bhargav's Moment of Realization

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The evening had settled quietly around the house when an unexpected sound broke the tranquility. The door creaked open, and Bhargav limped in, his face contorted in pain, beads of sweat on his forehead. Sanju, who had been quietly reading in the living room, immediately stood up, her book forgotten as concern washed over her face. "Ree! What happened?" she asked, rushing to his side." It's nothing serious, just a misstep on the stairs. I fell down a few stairs and... maybe bruised my ribs," Bhargav tried to downplay his injuries, but the grimace of pain betrayed his words.

Right away, Sanju carefully assisted him to the couch. Krishna, catching sight of him, displayed immediate concern. After promptly ensuring there were no fractures or head trauma, Krishna prescribed some medications and pain-relieving ointments, stating, "Bhargav, you'll need to remain in bed for the next week. Limit yourself to getting up only for bathroom visits with someone's help. It's important for your leg and bruised ribs to recover properly." Sanju, overhearing the conversation, immediately stepped in, her expression a mix of worry and determination. "Don't worry, Appa. I'll take care of everything. I will make sure his only focus is on getting better," she declared, her voice steady and comforting.

Once Sanju supports him to their bedroom through the elevator, she gets the ointment for his bruises. The air was filled with a quiet tension as Sanju prepared to apply ointment to Bhargav's bruised ribs, her demeanor shy and her movements hesitant. Bhargav, sitting on the edge of the bed, observed her with a mixture of amusement and adoration, fully aware of her discomfort with the situation.

"We need to... uh, remove your shirt so I can apply the ointment," Sanju murmured, barely making eye contact, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush. "Of course," Bhargav replied, his voice low and laced with a warmth intended to ease her nerves. "I hope you can handle what's underneath," he added with a playful wink, despite the ache it stirred in his ribs. As Sanju carefully helped him out of his shirt, her fingers accidentally brushed against his skin, causing her blush to deepen. Bhargav noticed her bashfulness and, despite the pain, decided to lightly tease her, aiming to add a touch of levity to the moment. "Careful now, we wouldn't want to start any fires with that kind of friction,"

Sanju's eyes widened slightly, and she quickly focused on the task at hand, trying to ignore the fluttering in her stomach. "I'm just going to apply the ointment now," she said, her voice a whisper. As she gently spread the ointment over his bruised ribs, Bhargav couldn't resist complimenting her delicate touch. "Your hands are magic, Sanju" he murmured, his tone soft yet suggestive. "It almost makes the pain worth it." Sanju, flustered by the comment and struggling to maintain her composure, finished applying the ointment. "I should, um, wash my hands," she stammered, eager to escape to the bathroom. Once alone, Sanju leaned heavily against the bathroom counter, her heart racing. She splashed cold water on her face, trying to quell the warmth that Bhargav's comments had ignited within her. Back in the bedroom, Bhargav lay with a satisfied smirk, appreciating the delightful interplay of shyness and attraction. He admired Sanju's innocence and the subtle dance of flirtation that had just unfolded between them.

Over the next week, Sanju became Bhargav's constant companion and caregiver, attending to his needs with a meticulousness and patience that went beyond mere duty. Whether it was bringing him his meals, ensuring he took his medications, or just keeping him company to ward off the monotony of confinement, her dedication never wavered. She even cancelled all her classes for the week and returned home early from work. After a week of bedrest, one evening as she carefully examined his legs, Bhargav couldn't help but observe the tenderness and attentiveness with which Sanju treated him. She moved to get an ice pack for his legs and a warm compress for his back.

"Thank you, Sanju," Bhargav said, his voice soft, filled with an emotion he hadn't expected to feel so strongly. Watching her take care of him with such dedication and kindness, something within him shifted profoundly.

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