Embracing Strength

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On Sunday morning Sanju navigated through her routine with a focused intensity lost in her own world, driven by the looming weight and worry of her tatha's upcoming surgery. After her morning rituals and ensuring everything was in place for the hectic week ahead, she called Vijay.

"Anna, I'll be working remotely starting tomorrow. I...I'll come back to the office sooner if everything goes well with tatha's surgery," Sanju's voice was steady, but her worry was evident in her voice even through the phone. Vijay's responded with care and comfort, "Don't worry about work, Sanju. Take all the time you need. We're all here for you."Sanju meticulously organized her tatha's medical reports and planned for his stay in the hospital, her movements around the house a whirlwind of preparation and care. Her tireless efforts didn't go unnoticed by the family, each member watching her with a mix of admiration and concern as she darted from one task to the next, without resting for a moment.

After observing her for a while unable to take it anymore, Raghav stepped in. He guided her to sit on the swing in the living room, his hand on her shoulder a silent command to pause and breathe. "Vaini, relax. Everything is going to be okay. Take a deep breath" he said, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves.

The floodgates opened at his words, and Sanju found herself in tears, her fears spilling out. "I'm scared, Anna. He's my only living family. What if...what if something goes wrong?" Raghav pulled her into a comforting hug, a protective circle against her fears. "Nothing's going to go wrong, vaini. We've got the best doctors. He's going to be just fine," he assured her.

It was then that Bhargav came upon the scene. His initial reaction was a surge of irritation and anger at seeing Raghav so easily embrace Sanju, a privilege that he, her husband, had hesitated to claim so openly. The spark of anger died as quickly as it flared when he saw the tears streaming down Sanju's face, her vulnerability in that moment outweighing his jealousy.

Taking a seat beside her on the swing, Bhargav reached for Sanju's hand, offering silent support. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice low, showing his concern. As Sanju shared her fears with him, Bhargav wrapped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. The swing moved gently, a soothing rhythm against the backdrop of her worries. "Sanju, we are your family as well, sweetheart. Don't worry. Tatha will be okay. We're ensuring he gets the best surgeon for his surgery. He's going to come out of it all fit and fine. Meanwhile, we're all here, supporting you. You don't have to be scared," Bhargav said, his words a pledge of collective strength and unity. In his embrace, Sanju allowed herself to cry, releasing the pent-up fears and anxieties, her sobs gradually subsiding as she soaked in the comfort of his words and the physical warmth of his presence.

From a distance, the elders of the house, Ashok tatha, Bhargav's grandparents, and parents exchanged knowing looks, their smiles reflecting a mix of relief and pride. The transformation in Bhargav, once a man guarded against closeness, now offering solace and understanding to his wife, healing wounds, and supporting her.That afternoon Sanju found a quiet corner for a much-needed call. It had been weeks since she last spoke to Shruthi, her closest friend and confidante. Dialing the number, she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Hey, Shruthi! It's been too long," Sanju greeted, her voice carrying a blend of joy and relief at the sound of her friend's voice. "Sanju! I've missed you. Why have you not called me in so long? How's everything going? I heard about your tatha's surgery." Sanju sighed, "Yes, it's possibly happening this Wednesday. I'm a little bit tensed." Shruthi, always the practical one, didn't hesitate to dive deeper. "And how are you managing financially? I know cardio surgery can be quite expensive. Do you need any help?" Sanju smiled softly, a sense of gratitude filling her heart. "I asked my husband for some money for my expenses and he gave me 10 Lakhs. He gave it to me without any explanation from my end."

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