Valentine's Day by the Sea

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Bhargav paced the length of his office, the faint hum of the air conditioner doing little to soothe his agitation. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, centering on the mysterious gifts that had been appearing on Sanju's desk. Whoever was sending them had done an excellent job of remaining anonymous, leaving Bhargav at a frustrating dead end. Vijay watched his friend with a mixture of sympathy and exasperation. "Bhargav, you need to calm down. We've done everything we could to trace the sender. There's nothing more we can do from our end." Bhargav stopped pacing and turned to face Vijay. "I can't just do nothing, Vijay. Sanju is important to me. I need to know who is behind this." "I get it," Vijay replied, leaning back in his chair. "But sometimes, the best approach is to change tactics. Since the direct investigation has hit a wall, we need to try something else." Bhargav crossed his arms, his brow furrowing in thought. "What do you suggest?"

"Well," Vijay began slowly, "we have only one person in mind who might still be involved in some way — Vishal. He was pretty close to Sanju before all this started, and his sudden withdrawal is suspicious. I think we should transfer Vishal back to Sanju's department" Bhargav's eyes narrowed. "What makes you think that's a good idea? That's a huge risk. I can't allow him anywhere near Sanju. Sanju is mine and mine alone." "That's exactly why we need him closer," Vijay teased with a grin. "If he's the one behind it, he's bound to mess up eventually. Plus, we can keep a better eye on him. If he's innocent, no big deal. We just need to keep our eyes peeled, Mr. Overprotective!" Bhargav sighed deeply. The thought of Vishal being near Sanju again gnawed at him. His possessiveness was a beast he constantly fought to keep in check. "I don't like it at all, Vijay. Not one bit. But you're right. We don't have many options left." Vijay nodded, grasping the seriousness of Bhargav's decision. "I'll handle the transfer," he said. He then instructed Anitha to arrange it immediately and informed her to instruct Vishal to finish any remaining tasks while working in her department.

Meanwhile, Vishal made his way to Anitha's desk. He had been on edge since the gossip incident, feeling an irresistible urge to be near Sanju again and shield her from all the ridiculous gossip. However, before he could say anything, Anitha looked up and greeted him with a bright smile. "Vishal, I was just about to call you. I've got some good news for you," she said cheerfully. "You're being transferred back to my department. Effective immediately." Vishal's heart leapt. He had been hoping for this, but to hear it confirmed so unexpectedly filled him with a joy he couldn't contain. "Thank you, Anitha! This is great news." Anitha's smile widened. "I thought you'd be pleased. Just settle in quickly. You can handle any pending work from here." As Vishal walked away, he felt like he was walking on air. The opportunity to be close to Sanju again was more than he had hoped for. He decided to play it cool, to approach her gradually so as not to raise any suspicions. Later that morning, Sanju arrived at her desk to see Vishal beaming from ear to ear. She couldn't help but smile back. "Good morning, Vishal sir. You seem to be in a great mood." "Good morning, Sanju. I am indeed. How are you holding up with everything that's been going on?" Sanju's smile faltered slightly but remained steadfast. "I'm doing okay. The gossip was hurtful, but I've decided not to let it affect me too much. People will always have opinions. What's important is how I deal with them." Vishal nodded, admiring her strength. "That's the spirit. If you need anything, I'm here." As he watched Sanju return to her work, Vishal felt a renewed sense of purpose. He vowed to protect her from the shadows that seemed to encroach on her happiness. Little did he know, those same shadows were watching his every move, orchestrated by Bhargav and Vijay's calculated plan.

In the evening, Bhargav sat in his home office, his fingers drumming rhythmically on his desk as he glanced at the clock. The day was dragging on, but the thought of the surprise he had planned for Sanju kept his spirits high. It was Valentine's Day in 2 days, and this year, he wanted to make it special. The stress of gifts and the annoying presence of someone anonymous trying to woo his wife had taken its toll on him. He needed to show Sanju that she belonged to him. As Sanju came in he said. "Hey, love. I have a surprise for you. Can you pack for three days? We're going to Chennai on 14th. I want to show you around my college and spend some time at the beach. We'll leave straight from the office." Sanju's was excited. "Really? That sounds fantastic! I've always wanted to see your college. This will be my first time visiting one. I can't wait!"The office was buzzing with Valentine's Day energy. Single employees were abuzz with gossip and giggles, exchanging chocolates and cards. Vishal, was particularly anxious. He had sent an anonymous Valentine's gift to Sanju with a heartfelt handwritten card "To the one who brightens my days and fills my nights with dreams, I am eagerly waiting for the moment when our hearts will finally unite. Happy Valentine's Day, my love.", hoping to see her reaction. He watched her desk all day, waiting for the delivery, but to his dismay, it never arrived. As the hours passed, Vishal's frustration grew. He had paid a college kid to deliver the gift, and he couldn't understand what had gone wrong. His intentions were genuine, and he wanted to make Sanju feel special. By the end of the day, he was convinced that the kid he paid to deliver the gift to the front desk had let him down. He was deeply upset that he had missed a golden opportunity to do something special for his beloved on this day dedicated to lovers.

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