Sanju's Birthday & Confession

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The next morning of January 21st, Bhargav and Sanju had a quick breakfast before leaving home at 9 AM in the car. Sanju was too upset to ask Bhargav where they were headed or why. During the drive, she remained silent, her eyes swollen and red from the tears she had shed the previous night. Bhargav glanced at her occasionally as he tried to start a conversation several times, but Sanju gave him the cold shoulder, staring resolutely out the window. The entire car ride was tense, filled with an uncomfortable silence. Bhargav could see the sadness in Sanju's eyes and wished he could tell her everything, but he knew the surprise had to remain intact.

When they arrived at the airport, Sanju's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't realized they would be flying. Her curiosity and excitement sparked despite her lingering resentment. Sanju's eyes sparkled with nervous excitement as they approached the terminal. This was the first time she had ever seen a plane up close, and the sheer size of it left her in awe. As they moved through the airport, Sanju's earlier coldness began to thaw, replaced by a mix of curiosity and anxiety. Once they were settled in the first-class cabin, with their seatbelts fastened, Sanju's nervousness peaked. She fidgeted with the seatbelt, her hands trembling slightly. Bhargav noticed and placed a reassuring hand on hers. "Sweetheart," he said softly, "It's going to be alright. I know it's your first time flying, but there's nothing to worry about. You can hold on to me if you are nervous." Sanju nodded, trying to muster a smile, but the nerves were evident in her eyes. Sanju took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Bhargav leaned closer, gently caressing her back, his voice soothing. "Take it one step at a time. Focus on your breathing, and remember, you're not alone. I'm here with you." Sanju looked at him, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "I... I just didn't expect this. I thought we were driving somewhere." Bhargav smiled softly, "Trust me, Sanju. This trip is going to be unforgettable in the best possible way."The plane began to taxi down the runway, and Sanju's grip on Bhargav's hand tightened. "Here we go," she whispered, more to herself than to him. Bhargav kept his gaze on her, offering a steady presence. "Just keep breathing, love. We'll be in the air soon, and then you'll see how amazing it is." As the plane lifted off the ground, Sanju's eyes widened in awe. The initial fear slowly melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder as she looked out the window at the shrinking world below. Bhargav watched her, a smile playing on his lips. Despite the rough start to the day, seeing Sanju's amazement made it all worth it. He leaned in and whispered, "See? Isn't it incredible?" Sanju nodded, her eyes still glued to the view outside. "It is," she admitted, her voice filled with awe. "I've never seen anything like this before." Bhargav's heart swelled with affection. "There's so much more to come, Sanju. Just wait and see."

As they soared through the skies, Sanju's earlier anger and disappointment began to slowly melt away. She took out her sketchbook and started to capture the beauty of the sky, the intricate patterns of the clouds, and the vastness of the horizon. For now, the splendor of the journey overshadowed everything else. She allowed herself to savor the moment, finding comfort in Bhargav's unwavering presence beside her. His occasional glances and reassuring smiles grounded her, making the experience even more serene and magical. As the flight landed in Gorakhpur, Sanju's simmering anger had reduced a lot, but the hurt lingered. She still wasn't ready to talk to Bhargav as she normally would. Stepping out into the unfamiliar city, she realized she had never even heard of Gorakhpur and had no idea why they were there. Bhargav rented an Audi A4, and they drove through the bustling streets in silence. They checked into the Radiant Hotel, their interactions minimal and strained. After freshening up, they had a late lunch, the clinking of cutlery the only sound breaking the silence. Sanju's curiosity about the mysterious destination mingled with her residual frustration. Retreating to the room, she turned on the TV and watched updates about the Pranpratishta she was missing. Meanwhile, Bhargav gave her space, hoping that the trip would soon bring her overwhelming happiness.

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