Bhargav Kulkarni

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Monday morning began at the Kulkarni household with the divine sounds of "Venkatesha Suprabhatam" filling the air. Bhargav Kulkarni woke to this harmonious tune, a daily ritual performed by his grandmother in the puja room. As the sacred melody played, Bhargav started his day with meditation, exercise, and yoga, setting the tone for the week ahead. After completing his morning exercise, Bhargav immersed himself in a refreshing bath followed by his morning sandhyavandana and puja, adhering to the spiritual teachings instilled in him since childhood by his grandmother. Joining his family for breakfast, Bhargav enjoyed a nourishing healthy meal and sought blessings from the elders before heading to the office. The morning rituals grounded him, giving him a sense of calm and resilience.

Entering AI Works Technology Corporation, Bhargav transitioned from his morning calm to a more assertive and arrogant persona, embracing the bustling corporate energy around him. Although he was raised in a family of medical professionals, Bhargav harbored an unwavering passion for technology. Since childhood, his entrepreneurial spirit burned bright, with a clear vision of establishing a successful technology company. Excelling consistently in both academics and business pursuits, he secured top positions throughout his educational journey – graduating with honors in both BTech and MTech in Computer Science from IIT Madras and earning an MBA from IIM Bangalore. AI Works, his brainchild, materialized as the fulfillment of his dreams. Specializing in AI-based solutions, the company caters to hospitals in India and abroad, while also achieving significant progress in online gaming.

Guided by his assistant Ravi, Bhargav received a briefing on his day's agenda. A crucial meeting with the creative director was coming up to discuss plans for an innovative AI-driven game. Bhargav's vision for the game extended beyond entertainment; he aspired to develop a multiplayer strategy game addressing real-world challenges such as infrastructure development, education, cleanliness, technology, and other amenities in villages. The overarching goal was to propel these communities toward advancement, decentralize urban congestion, and navigate political landscapes. The game, in Bhargav's vision, aimed to not only entertain but also serve as a catalyst for generating innovative yet feasible solutions and fostering social awareness among the youth.

He was eager to begin the design process for his new game. He and his creative design director Deepa were having a discussion. Deepa had joined the company a while back with the goal of impressing Bhargav and enticing him to marry her. She was attracted to his physique, charisma, intellect and riches. His haughtiness and authority did not bother her. Finally, since it was only her and Bhargav in the meeting, Deepa chose to increase the intensity in the room and escalate her advances. Dressed provocatively, she sat close to Bhargav and leaned in to show him the designs that were laid out on the table. When he did not respond to her advances, she started sensually touching him when he was trying to look into the design strategy laid out on the table. This pushed Bhargav to his limits. Unable to tolerate her inappropriate advances any longer, Bhargav, fueled by a mixture of anger and professionalism, fired her on the spot.

As Deepa exit the room, visibly frustrated, Vijay strides into the cabin and finds Bhargav in a state of irritation. After learning the details, Vijay grasps the situation left by Deepa's abrupt departure. In an effort to lighten the atmosphere, Vijay interjects with his signature bubbly nature, "Well, Bhargav, maybe we should hire a design director who can create a design so good that it blows away all our worries along with Deepa!" Bhargav rolled his eyes at Vijay's comment.

Vijay and Bhargav, are now confronted with a significant problem. The task ahead was to finalize the first set of designs and the main game backdrop within the next two months. Throughout the day, Bhargav silently seethes with anger, frustrated by the tight deadline for delivering the designs. The process of hiring a reliable creative design director was time-consuming, demanding multiple rounds of interviews. At the very least, they require the game's blueprint completed to initiate work on marketing materials.

Once Bhargav returned home, he shared his day with his grandparents during dinner, as his parents and brother were engrossed in hospital responsibilities. Seeking solace, he lounges in his grandparents' room, his head resting on his grandmother's lap, while she runs her fingers through his hair, absorbing the account of his day. Bhargav opens up about the employee termination and the ensuing problem because of that. His grandmother, a wise lady, reassures him, saying, "Keep in mind, Bhargav, every twist of fate unfolds to pave the way for something even better in your life. God has a brighter plan in store for you. So, don't let this particular incident weigh too heavily on your mind." He goes to sleep letting his grandma's words run in his mind looking forward to what brighter plan god has in store for him.

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

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