Shocks and Surprises

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"Hey, sweetheart," he greeted warmly, "Have you left for work yet?" "Not yet. I'll leave in about ten minutes, why?" Sanju replied. "Could you pick up the folder from my study desk at home and deliver it to someone in conference room 1 on the east wing of your floor before 12:45?" Bhargav asked. Sanju hesitated. "I have a meeting at Smoor signature lounge on the way to work at noon. I can deliver it once I am done with that if that's okay." Bhargav frowned, wondering why the meeting was at smoor signature lounge instead of office. "Alright, just make sure you don't forget. Let me know if you are unable to make it." He plans to contact Anitha later today to discuss their upcoming agenda and inquire about any off-site meetings.

Sanju agreed and took the folder with her as she headed to smoor. She noticed it was decorated for some sort of event, with flowers and balloons adorning the walls. A few tables were occupied, but her eyes were drawn to a man sitting near the window at the far end. She walked over, surprised to find Vishal. "Vishal sir, why are you here?" she asked, her brow furrowing in confusion. Vishal took a deep breath, steadying himself as he spoke. "Sanju, please have a seat." She did, but confusion clouded her mind. "Are you here for the meeting as well? Where is everyone else?" Vishal paused, collecting his thoughts before speaking, his voice filled with sincerity. "There is no one else Sanju. It is just us. I had to talk to you about something personal. I need to be honest about how I feel. It all started the day I first saw you working on your painting in the village. There was a certain grace and passion in your strokes that drew me in immediately. You weren't just painting; you were bringing emotions to life, and that's when I felt a deep pull towards you." He continued, his eyes never leaving hers, "As I got to know you, I saw your humility and kindness towards everyone around you, especially the villagers. You've never flaunted your beauty — it's just a part of who you are, seamless, genuine and authentic. But it's not just your outer beauty that captivated me; it's your incredible talent in the arts, the way you dance with such finesse, and how your singing touches the soul. Each of these traits shows just how special you truly are."

Vishal's voice grew more intense, reflecting his admiration, "And then, your bravery. Seeing you stand up for that young girl, fighting off those men, was nothing short of heroic. It's one thing to be kind and talented, but your courage to physically defend those in need showed a strength I never knew you had. That act alone has left a profound impact on me." He concluded, his words a mixture of vulnerability and hope, "Sanju, all of these moments have deepened my feelings for you. You're not just a colleague to me anymore; you're the person I admire deeply, the one I find myself thinking about all the time."

Sanju stood there, frozen, as Vishal took her hand gently and knelt before her, his eyes locked on hers. He extended a lavish bouquet of 99 red roses towards her, his voice resonating with deep emotion. "Sanju, my heart belongs to you completely. My love for you transcends words. You are my everything, my entire world. Would you consider being my girlfriend?" Overwhelmed, Sanju couldn't find her voice. Vishal, interpreting her silence, pressed on earnestly, "I see a future with you. Let's take our time, date for a few years, and when you feel ready, we can consider our next steps together. I just couldn't keep my feelings hidden any longer — I had to let you know. I didn't want to risk someone else sweeping you off your feet before I had the chance to express how deeply I care for you. I'm here for the long haul, Sanju."

Sanju felt like someone had just struck her. Sanju felt a deep sting from Vishal's words, as though he trivialized her values with the idea of dating for years. The proposal seemed almost to mock her, diminishing her worth. Overwhelmed by a mix of hurt and indignation, she shook her head continuously, unable to articulate her shock. Finally, her voice barely above a whisper, trembling with emotion, she managed to say, "No." Hastily, she rose from her seat and fled from the coffee shop, desperate to escape the situation.

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