Bridging Dreams and Strengthening Bonds

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The day progressed into the late afternoon by the time Bhargav made his way to the office, his mind preoccupied yet focused on the task ahead. The interview with Anitha for the role of Creative Director was not just another hiring decision; it was a crucial step towards fulfilling a vision for the company. Vijay had already vetted her through a rigorous interview process, and his positive feedback had set a high expectation in Bhargav's mind.As Bhargav settled into the interview room, Anitha walked in, her portfolio under one arm, a confident smile on her face. The conversation that ensued was a deep dive into her creative processes, her leadership style, and her vision for the team. Bhargav found himself impressed by her passion, her innovative ideas, and her understanding of the company's goals. By the end of the interview, it was clear to him that Anitha was the right fit for the role. He extended the job offer, pleased with the prospect of having her on board to steer the creative direction of the company.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, the day brought a pleasant surprise for Sanju. Vijay, Ragini, and Shruthi visited Sanju's tatha. They brought with them laughter, stories, and a sense of normalcy that lifted Sanju's spirits, who had been wrapped up in her worries the whole time. When Bhargav returned from the office, the news of the successful hire was an accomplishment that reduced a huge load off his shoulder, one that was bothering him for over 3 months. 

He reached the hospital and spoke to his dad about tatha's recovery, the duration of the hospital stay and other things to be taken care of. Once he got everything clarified, he was walking towards the ward when he saw Shruthi. Knowing that she was going to get some coffee and snacks for herself and Sanju, he seized the opportunity to go with her to learn more about Sanju's past, her upbringing, and how she had become the innocent naive woman she was today.

Shruthi, sensing his genuine concern and curiosity, shared insights into Sanju's protected upbringing. Their conversation then took an unexpected turn when Shruthi questioned why Bhargav hadn't disclosed his CEO status to Sanju.

"Initially, I didn't tell Sanju about my role because I had my own reservations about this marriage and about Sanju," Bhargav admitted, his tone a mix of reflection and resolve. "Now, I hesitate because I don't want to overwhelm her. Knowing Sanju, she might feel compelled to resign, believing there's a conflict of interest. She's truly enjoying her work, and I don't want to be the reason she gives that up."

Shruthi nodded, understanding his predicament and admiring his thoughtful approach. "Sanju does come from a very sheltered background. She might not fully grasp the dynamics between a couple. But if you ever need help on bridging that gap, I'm here," she offered, her words bridging understanding and support.

Bhargav appreciated Shruthi's offer but felt a deep-seated desire to navigate this path with Sanju on his own terms. "Thank you, Shruthi. I think it's important for us to explore the dynamics of being husband and wife together, at our own pace. It's a journey we need to undertake as a couple and one that I am enjoying. It is helping me better understand Sanju" As the day came to an end, Bhargav was left with a lot to ponder. His conversation with Shruthi had opened a window to Sanju's world, a world he was only beginning to understand.

The following morning brought with it a wave of relief and joy as Sanju, Bhargav, and the rest of the family gathered around tatha's bedside. The air was filled with excitement as they found him awake, conversing, and on the path to recovery. Sanju, while relieved and buoyed by tatha's improvement, knew there was still much to be done during his recovery. By afternoon, she made a quick trip home, not just to gather her art supplies and her gratitude journal but also to prepare and collect food for her family and tatha. The evening brought a special opportunity for Bhargav and Sanju. Bhargav, deciding to spend another night at the hospital, looked forward to some quiet moments alone with Sanju. After they all had dinner together, Sanju and Bhargav excused themselves for a walk in the hospital's expansive garden.

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