The D-Day

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The morning sun rose, marking the D-day filled with traditions, emotions, and the promise of new beginnings. In the quiet confines of the orphanage, Ragini conducted the haldi ceremony for Sanju. After a refreshing bath, Sanju dressed in the wedding saree her grandfather had given her. Ragini helped her with jewelry from her mother-in-law and added a touch of light make-up. "You look like a godess, Sanju," Ragini whispered, a smile in her voice, though Sanju felt an unfamiliar weight upon her, unaccustomed as she was to such grandeur. Sanju proceeded to seek blessings from Parimala, expressing her deep gratitude for her support and guidance throughout this period. Turning to her tatha, who had tears glistening in his eyes at the sight of his granddaughter adorned as a bride, she received his blessings. "Sanju, you are the most radiant bride. I wish you a life filled with happiness, peace, and love," he told her, his voice thick with emotion. Before heading to the wedding venue, they made a detour to the Shri Ram temple, honoring Sanju's heartfelt wish. She stood there, hands folded, eyes closed, offering prayers for a harmonious married life filled with love, prosperity, and wellness for her new family and all those she held dear back at the orphanage. The serenity of the temple provided a moment of calm before the whirlwind of the day's events. On their way to the wedding venue, the car was filled with an air of solemnity and anticipation. "Tatha, I'm... I'm nervous," Sanju admitted, her voice barely a whisper against the hum of the road. "Don't be, magu," her tatha reassured, his hand finding hers, "You're stepping into a new chapter, blessed by Lord Shri Ram himself. You will have a wonderful life ahead magu" Arriving at the wedding venue, the transition from the orphanage's familiarity to the grandeur of the Kulkarni household was overwhelming. Ragini guided her through the garden, whispering encouragements as they approached the special secluded space for the Gouri Puja (The tradition in most Karnataka brides is that they have to pray to God Shiva and Goddess Parvati for a joyful union and a happy and blissful married life before they come to the wedding mandap for the actual marriage rituals). 

Meanwhile, the Kulkarni residence was full of activity and emotion. Bhargav, surrounded by the laughter and teasing during the haldi ceremony, found himself caught in memories of past preparations. Each familiar moment increased his anxiety. Accompanied by Vijay and Ragini, Ashok Rao presents Bhargav with the traditional dhoti intended for the wedding ceremony. Bhargav, showing his respect, bows to Ashok Rao, "Bless me, tatha." Pleased by Bhargav's display of respect and culture, Ashok Rao offers his blessings warmly. Then, he joins Narasimha near the wedding pavilion for a friendly chat. As Bhargav stood solemnly, trying to mask his pre-wedding jitters with a facade of calm, Raghav sidled up to him, a mischievous glint in his eye. Vijay, ever the instigator of light-hearted mischief, joined the duo, ready to inject some humor into the tense atmosphere. Raghav nudged Bhargav lightly, breaking the ice with, "So, anna, feeling ready to take the plunge? Or do we need to fetch a parachute for you, just in case?" Vijay chimed in with his playful tone, "I heard cold feet can be cured with a good run. How about a sprint around the block, Bhargav? It might just shake off the nerves — or lead you straight to the altar faster!" Bhargav, caught off guard by their banter, couldn't help but crack a smile. "I think I'll manage without the sprint, thank you. But keep a parachute ready, just in case," he retorted, his spirits lifted by their jesting. Raghav laughed, clapping Bhargav on the back. "That's the spirit! Just remember, we're all here for you, anna. This is the start of something beautiful." Their laughter and friendship filled the air, momentarily dispelling Bhargav's anxieties and reminding him of the support system surrounding him on this monumental day. 

The arrival of Shruthi and her family added more warmth to the gathering. Shruthi joined Sanju and Ragini for the Gouri puja, seeking the goddess's blessings for Sanju's new journey. As the rituals progressed, the moment for Sanju to join the mandap arrived. Guided by Vijay and Ragini, her nervousness was evident, her head bowed in shyness, barely registering the crowd of well-wishers around her. Taking her place opposite Bhargav, the symbolic silk cloth, or antarpata, veiled the direct view between them, heightening the anticipation of their first glance at one another.

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