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Three weeks unfolded in the US, where Bhargav dedicated himself to work-related meetings and rekindled connections with former classmates. Although the accomplishments in his professional life and the warmth from meeting his friends and their families momentarily filled the emptiness, it reminded him of home and particularly of Sanju. With each day, the longing for his family and the gap left by Sanju's absence in his life became increasingly evident. Having spent three weeks away from Sanju and reflecting on his conversation with Vijay before heading to the US, Bhargav decided to resetting and beginning anew in his relationship with Sanju. The realization that what he missed the most wasn't just the comfort of home but the companionship of his wife marked a turning point. "It's time to go back," he murmured to himself, a newfound determination guiding his actions. The journey back to India wasn't just a physical return but a symbolic closing of the distance he had placed between himself and Sanju. Bhargav, now armed with a clearer perspective and a longing to repair his relationship with Sanju, was ready to confront the complexities of his marriage, to bridge the emotional gap with understanding and open-heartedness.

Sanju's journey through her courses came to an end. "Congratulations, Sanju! You've mastered the basics. The rest, you'll learn on the job," her instructor announced with a smile after class. Beaming, Sanju replied, "Thank you!" Thus, with little time to spare, she headed straight from her classes to AI Works, eager to start working.

Meanwhile, Bhargav, having returned from the US, found the house quiet, Sanju's presence missing yet again. "It is Monday. She must be at her class" he muttered to himself, the routine absence a familiar echo in the spacious home. After a quick lunch, he too was swept back into his workload, a crucial meeting demanding his attention in person. The day ended, and Bhargav returned, completely exhausted, the jet lag completely numbing his senses. Yet, he found himself trying to stay awake, awaiting Sanju's return. Sanju, after spending her day at work, and then completing her art lessons to the eager minds at the orphanage, arrived home at night. Dinner was a quiet affair for her, the day's exhaustion mirrored in the slow drag of her steps as she finally made her way to her room.

The sight that greeted her was unexpectedly tender—Bhargav, sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard, lost to sleep in a very uncomfortable position, an image of vulnerability that she hadn't anticipated. "Ree?" she whispered, confusion lacing her voice, but he remained adrift in the land of dreams, unresponsive. "So, you're back," she murmured to herself, the surprise of his return a secret well-kept by the others, intended to warm her heart.

Approaching Bhargav with a mixture of caution and care, she reached out with one hand holding his shoulder and another hand holding his waist, attempting to guide him into a more restful position. Yet, the task proved more challenging than she had envisioned. Bhargav who was physically very well built, in his unconscious state, was an immovable force, and her efforts to adjust him only resulted in him sliding down a bit to lie down on the bed but in the process Sanju's hands got trapped below Bhargav's bulky body and her body was bent close to his body.

The intimacy of the moment, her proximity to Bhargav, was overwhelming. As she leaned over, trying to extricate herself, her breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding against her ribs. It was then that Bhargav stirred, his eyes fluttering open to the close presence of Sanju, her concern for him morphing into a moment charged with an intensity neither had anticipated.

Caught in the haze of jet lag and the sudden physical closeness of Sanju with her body bent over him giving him a nice view of her cleavage, Bhargav's actions were guided by a mix of instinct and a burgeoning desire that had been simmering beneath the surface of their relationship ready to explode any minute. He pulled Sanju closer by her waist using his left hand whispering "Sanju...", and using his right hand index finger, he gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and began to trace his finger with a soft, deliberate caress akin to the brush of a feather from the back of her ear, to her cheeks, her lips, her neck and her cleavage. Sanju, caught off guard by the touch, found herself responding in a way she hadn't thought possible, her body tensing and then quivering under his caress, her skin erupting in goosebumps. The air between them was electric, filled with unspoken questions and the weight of unexplored desires.

In that moment, suspended in the quiet of their room, the world outside their door ceased to exist. There was only the two of them, Bhargav and Sanju, lost in each others eyes, navigating the complexities of their relationship in the most intimate way they had yet encountered.

In the charged silence of their room, Bhargav leaned in closer to Sanju, his voice a silent whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "If you wanted me so badly sweetheart, all you had to do was ask me." The words, meant to tease, carried an undercurrent of desire and confusion, reflecting the tension that sizzled between them.

Sanju's mind raced, caught between the teachings of her past and the confusing reaction of her body to Bhargav's proximity. Her breath, heavy and uneven, accentuated the rise and fall of her chest, drawing Bhargav's gaze and intensifying the moment, turning his eyes darker. Both were lost in a bubble of time where nothing existed but the other, their mutual desire palpable in the air.

The sudden knock at the door shattered the moment, a jarring return to reality that left them both scrambling for composure. Sanju, realizing how close she had been to Bhargav, quickly retreated to the bathroom, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear, confusion, and an unfamiliar longing.

Bhargav, attempting to regain his own equilibrium, answered the door to find Raghav on the other side, oblivious to the turmoil he had interrupted. Declining the invitation to dinner under the guise of needing sleep, Bhargav closed the door, cursing his brother for interrupting such a rare yet beautiful moment with his wife.

Once alone again, the weight of what had transpired hung heavily between them. Bhargav, recognizing the potential discomfort he might have caused Sanju, prepared himself to apologize, to address the boundary they had inadvertently crossed. Sanju emerging from the bathroom, her composure somewhat regained, preempted him with an explanation, her voice a mix of apology and explanation, she shyly stammered, "I... I didn't know you had returned. You seemed to be sleeping so uncomfortably. I was just trying to help you lie down properly when my hands ended up trapped beneath you. I'm sorry." Bhargav reassured her, "It's okay." He then apologized to her, "I am sorry about my sudden departure. I had meant to tell you I was leaving, but you were asleep, and when I woke up, you had already left. I thought about calling you, but then I realized I didn't have your number. It's been a while since we got married, and it would have been quite embarrassing if my parents found out I didn't even have your number. So, I hurried to finish my work and returned earlier than planned."

His admission, candid and vulnerable, opened a door to a conversation long overdue. The awkwardness of the physical encounter gave way to a mutual understanding of the emotional distance that still lay between them, and the shared desire to bridge it. In the quiet of their shared room, Bhargav, feeling a mix of exhaustion and a newfound connection with Sanju, ventured a step further into their evolving relationship. "Can you give me your number now?" His voice, soft with the weariness of the day, held a hint of hope for something more between them.

Sanju, taken aback but pleasantly so, shared her number, a small but significant bridge built between them. Bhargav saved it promptly, sending her a text so she could save his in return. "My phone's out of charge," Sanju replied, a sheepish smile crossing her face. "I'll save it once it's charged." Acknowledging her response with a nod, Bhargav couldn't fight the jet lag pulling him back into sleep's embrace. Sanju, too, settled down, the events of the day swirling in her thoughts as she drifted off.

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

Author's Note: Follow me on Instagram @romance_unleashed for the latest updates, sneak peeks, and to stay connected!

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