A Routine of Comfort and Love

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In the comforting warmth of the morning sun, Sanju, Bhargav, and Narasimha Tatha set out to the laughter club. Bhargav, started his run, while Sanju dedicated herself to her artwork. Tatha, meanwhile, engaged with his friends in the day's club activities. Upon returning home, Bhargav led her through the to a huge building. Bhargav opened the door, revealing rows upon rows of gleaming cars and bikes, from vintage classics to modern marvels, each meticulously maintained and displayed.

Sanju's eyes widened in astonishment as she stepped inside, her gaze flitting from one car to another. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you'd brought me to a vehicle showroom. Why are we here?" she asked, a mixture of curiosity and amusement in her voice. Bhargav smiled, leaning casually against a shiny, red sports car. "Well, it's not practical for Raghav or anyone else to keep dropping you off and picking you up every day and I don't feel comfortable if you go alone in public transport. So I've arranged for a driver for you. You can choose any car here to be your daily ride to work and to run any other errands." Sanju's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Choose any car?" she echoed, her tone incredulous. "Yes, any car," Bhargav confirmed, gesturing grandly at the collection.

With a thoughtful frown, Sanju began wandering among the cars, her eyes scanning the assortment of luxury and power until they settled on the most unassuming vehicle in the collection: an older model Alto, tucked away in the corner, its humble appearance starkly contrasting with the surrounding opulence. Pointing at it, Sanju declared, "I choose this one." Bhargav couldn't help but chuckle, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Now, how did I know you would pick that exact car? I thought, just this once, you'd prove my guess wrong. But... Anyway lets go."

Once back home, they settled into a comfortable routine. After freshening up, they gathered for breakfast. Sanju took care of packing lunch for everyone and departed for work. Bhargav, set off for work on his own. Their days unfolded with purpose and dedication, Sanju balancing her work, self-defense classes and her degree, while Bhargav navigated the complexities of his job. Every night, Sanju and Bhargav sought solace in the warmth of each other's arms, drifting into serene slumber together.

It had been fifteen days since Sanju resumed work following Tatha's surgery. Acknowledging Sanju's commitment and skill, Vijay solidified her role as a full-time employee, offering her a salary twice that of her stipend and extending all the perks of employment, a decision that Usha announced during the team meeting.

That evening, after withdrawing her last stipend, Sanju proposed a visit to the Ram temple with Bhargav as a way to celebrate her transition to a full-time position at the company. After a heartfelt prayer, they ventured to DVG Road, where Sanju, with thoughtful generosity spent her entire stipend and purchased school supplies and healthy food for the children of the orphanage. Their day concluded with a visit to the orphanage, where they distributed the items to the delighted children, Sanju's heart swelling with a quiet sense of satisfaction. Upon returning home, she shared the news of her job confirmation, receiving blessings and heartfelt congratulations from her loved ones.

The following day at work, Anitha revealed that she, alongside the art director Vishal, Sanju, and several other concept artists from the team, would embark on a trip to the nearby village of Kempadalihalli on Saturday to commence work on the game's concept art. On early Sunday morning, Anitha and her team, set off towards kempadalihalli. The purpose of their journey was to gather inspiration for their upcoming game's concept and art.

Upon arrival, the rustic charm of the village instantly resonated with Sanju, her heart syncing with the serene pace of rural life reminding her of her life in Rampura. "Welcome, everyone," Vishal initiated, as he outlined their mission to create a multiplayer strategy game that tackles real-world issues like infrastructure improvement, education, cleanliness, technology access, and more, within village settings. "Let's use today to immerse ourselves in the village's atmosphere and embody those narratives in our artwork. Feel free to choose any spot that sparks your interest. Keep your phones handy for photos, and take your time to wander and sketch any concepts that inspire you. Make sure you are reachable through phone when we call." he explains.

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