Echoes of Innocence and Laughter

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"Sanju..." he whispers, almost to himself.

Sanju, puzzled by his sudden, whispered call, turns to him with a questioning look. Bhargav, drawn to her, steps closer, gently grasping her shoulder to lean in and inhale the familiar, comforting fragrance of jasmine from her hair. It's a scent that seems to bridge the gap between their past misunderstandings and the present moment. "Sanju, did you go to Devarayanadurga about a month and a half back?" he asks, his voice laced with a dawning realization.

"Yes, I went there with Shruthi and Tatha before our wedding was decided. Why?" she responds, curious about the direction of his inquiries. Without answering her question directly, Bhargav probes further, "The night before our wedding, were you at the pharmacy with a little kid? And when the person in front of you couldn't pay, you did on their behalf?" Shocked, Sanju manages, "How did you know?" Bhargav moves to his closet locker and retrieves a photograph, showing it to her. "Did you lose this that day?" he asks, holding out the image of her parents.

Tears fill Sanju's eyes as she recognizes the photograph. "Yes, those are my parents. I lost them when I was one. I kept this picture in my purse as my connection to them. Losing it felt like losing them all over again. How did you get it?" Bhargav, with a gentle smile, encapsulates the serendipity of their encounters. "Sanju, we are truly fated. The day you went to Devarayanadurga, I was there with my family. They were there to pray for a good life partner for me. I lost my wallet there. I saw you helping an old lady, and it warmed my heart in a way I can't explain. The night before our wedding, I was the one at the pharmacy without my wallet. Your kindness was a beacon in my confusion, a sign from Lord Narasimha that I'm watched over, even in the darkest of times. It was your random act of kindness that helped me clear my mind and get me back home safely. Thank you."

With those words, he embraces her, a gesture of gratitude, connection, and newfound understanding. Sanju, overwhelmed by the revelation and the emotions it stirs, sets aside her usual caution about physical distance. She returns his embrace, allowing herself to lean into the comfort and warmth of the connection they've just discovered. In this moment, any remaining barriers about men and women need to maintain 2 feet distance between them dissolve, leaving Bhargav and Sanju enveloped in the bliss of their embrace.

The next morning Bhargav finds himself awake even earlier than usual and much before Sanju. Seizing the opportunity to deepen his understanding of Sanju, he decides to spend the day observing her in her natural element and to spend time with her, aware that her introverted nature often keeps her true self shielded from the view of everyone including those that are closest to her.

To her surprise, Sanju awakens to find Bhargav already awake, a rare occurrence that piques her curiosity. The morning progresses in a comfortable silence, with both preparing for the day ahead. Sanju, after completing her prayers, joins Narasimha and her tatha for their regular visit to the park, her hand in a much better state than yesterday. Opting for a light day, Sanju brings along her sketchbook so as to not stress out her hand. Unbeknownst to her and her companions, Bhargav discreetly follows, a silent observer keen on witnessing the world through Sanju's eyes.

In the park, Bhargav watches from a distance as Sanju seamlessly blends with his grandfather and the other members of the laughter club. Her presence brings a palpable warmth and joy to the group, her laughter infectious, her spirit uplifting. After some time, Sanju quietly excused herself, moving to a secluded corner of the park. Settling herself on the soft grass, she opens her sketchbook and begins to draw with a focused intensity. Bhargav, hidden from view, watches her, captivated by the serene concentration on her face and the gentle way she translates the world onto paper. This moment of silent observation allows Bhargav a glimpse into the depths of Sanju's character — her joy, her artistic talent — facets of her being that she rarely puts into words but are eloquently expressed through her actions and her art. For Bhargav, it's a revelation, a chance to appreciate the quiet strength and beauty of the woman he has married.

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