More Misunderstandings

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On Monday morning, the household buzzed with the start of a new week. Sanju efficiently wrapped up her breakfast, packed lunches for herself, her in-laws, Raghav, and Bhargav, and is about to head out. Ajji suggests, "Why don't you wait, Sanju? Bhargav can give you a ride to your classes since it's on his way." Sanju declines, opting for the bus, but Ashok interjects, "Let her be, Akka (Sister). She's barely seen anything beyond our village, and in Bengaluru, her world has been quite limited to orphanage, hospital and her classes. It's good for her to explore the city and be comfortable with using the public transport" Just then, Bhargav, aiming to tackle his backlog at work after taking time off for the wedding, prepares to leave in his Ferrari GTB, earlier than usual. As he's about to drive off, Sanju rushes to hand him his lunch box, momentarily captivated by the sight of the luxurious car. Recovering, she compliments, "It's a really nice car." Bhargav, misinterpreting her admiration for material interest, thinks to himself, "So, she's eyeing the expensive car now," and drives away with a very visible frown, leaving Sanju standing there, puzzled by what caused his sudden change in demeanor. Raghav, sees the shift in Bhargav's mood, decides to talk to Bhargav during lunch time at his office to understand why his demeanor suddenly changed in the morning when Sanju handed him the lunch. 

He walked into Bhargav's cabin, finding him staring contemplatively out of the window. "Anna, mind if I join you for lunch here today?" Raghav asked, breaking the silence with a casual tone, hoping to ease into a conversation. Bhargav turned, offering a brief nod. "Sure, Raghav. What brings you here at this time?" Raghav settled into the chair opposite Bhargav, his demeanor relaxed yet observant. "I've been meaning to ask you, how's married life treating you? And, how are things with vaini?" Bhargav's expression tensed slightly at the mention of Sanju. He paused, collecting his thoughts before responding. "To be honest, Raghav, I'm struggling a bit," Bhargav admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I can't shake off this feeling that maybe... maybe Sanju's intentions aren't as straightforward, simple and innocent as they seem." Raghav leaned forward, a sign of his full attention. "What makes you say that? Has something happened?" "It's just," Bhargav sighed, running a hand through his hair, "how can someone especially a teenager agree to marry a person nearly twice her age without an ulterior motive? I thought I saw sincerity in her, but now I'm not so sure. Every small thing makes me doubt her more, and it's exhausting." Raghav nodded, understanding the depth of Bhargav's fears. "You are carrying the weight of your past, anna. But vaini isn't your ex. Have you tried talking to her, truly communicating your feelings?" Bhargav shook his head, frustration evident. "Communicate how? When every situation seems to confirm my fears? I had a horrendous experience in the past, Raghav. It's not easy to just open up and trust completely again." Raghav reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on Bhargav's. "I get it, anna. But carrying the past into your present with vaini might not be fair to either of you. Give her a chance, talk to her, and maybe, just maybe, you'll see the sincerity in her intentions through her actions, not just her words."

Sanju boarded the crowded city bus. Her day unfolded as planned, with her going to her class. The return journey, however, took an unexpected turn. She stopped at a local pharmacy on her way back home to pick up medicine for her grandfather. Sanju was walking through the crowded streets, her thoughts occupied on the tasks awaiting her at home. As she exited the store and started walking on the sidewalk, the sudden roar of a motorcycle broke her train of thoughts. Before she could step aside, two men shouting and laughing on the bike steered dangerously close, with malicious intentions. In a fleeting moment, one reached out, striking her breast really hard and pinched her nipple painfully with a shocking boldness that left her reeling and screaming in pain. The motorcycle sped off, leaving behind Sanju who was stunned and hurt. Even before Sanju could realize what was going on, the men were gone. She just knelt on the sidewalk holding her chest in pain. "Vaini, are you okay?" Raghav's voice cut through her shock as he hurried to her side, having witnessed the entire incident from his car. The anger for the men and concern for Sanju in his eyes was deep as he observed her trembling form. He tried to hold her shoulder to lift her up but Sanju, still processing the violation, got scared and flinched at his touch. Raghav moved back and tried to comfort her in a soothing voice "Vaini, it is me Raghav. Don't get scared. I am here. No one is going to hurt you." She barely managed a nod, her voice lost to her. Raghav's presence, however, offered a semblance of safety, and she found herself leaning on him for support, both physically and emotionally. "Let us go home," Raghav insisted, his tone brooking no argument. "You shouldn't be alone right now." Sanju hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts of how to explain this to her family without causing undue worry. "Please, Raghav anna, I don't want to trouble them with this," she finally whispered, the incident igniting a fear she hadn't known before. Raghav drover her to a park near by. As they sat in the park, Raghav handed her a bottle of water, encouraging her to drink. "Drink this. It will help you calm down a bit" he said gently, trying to give her space to gather her thoughts.

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