Open Communication

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After his conversation with Vijay, Bhargav stood in the apple store looking at the sleek, unopened box of the latest iPhone model, his first heartfelt gift to Sanju. His decision to gift this to Sanju wasn't born from a desire to test her as Vijay had suggested initially, but from a newfound recognition of her intrinsic value and the purity of her character that everyone around him seemed to understand long before he did.

He reflected on the recent revelations about Sanju, her simplicity, and her genuine nature, acknowledged even by his own family. It dawned on him how blind he had been to her true self, obscured by his own prejudices and past pains. Now, seeing her through unclouded eyes, he realized the fortune of her presence in his life — a realization that warmed him from the inside.

As Bhargav entered the room with his gift in hand ready to apologize to Sanju, the sight that greets him halts him in his tracks. Sanju, her expression twisted in a grimace of pain, struggles with the task at hand. The bandage on her wrist, poorly applied and stained with dried blood, spoke volumes of her silent suffering. Without a moment's hesitation, Bhargav rushes to her side, the box he had been holding discarded onto the bed in his urgency. He gently holds her uninjured hand, yet firmly, guides a resistant Sanju towards the bathroom, seating her on the cushioned bench. Sanju, caught off guard by the suddenness of his actions, flinches, her body involuntarily shivering, bracing for the outburst she fears will follow.

Bhargav, however, is singularly focused on the task at hand. Retrieving the first aid kit, he carefully unwraps the makeshift bandage, treating the wound with a tenderness that belies his earlier demeanor. As he works, he notices Sanju's subdued sniffles, her gaze firmly fixed on the ground, a wall of shame and fear built around her.

Determined to break through her defenses, Bhargav gently lifts her chin with his thumb and index finger, seeking eye contact. "Sanju, look at me," he implores softly, yet she remains steadfast in her refusal, her eyes anchored to the floor and her head shaking slightly in a silent 'no'. His voice takes on a firmer edge, commanding yet devoid of anger, "Sanju, look at me NOW." The fear of reigniting his wrath prompts her compliance, and she finally meets his gaze, her eyes brimming with tears.

Seeing her vulnerability, Bhargav softens, his own eyes reflecting a mix of remorse and understanding. "I'm sorry for doubting you, Sanju," he begins, the words thick with sincerity. "Sorry for all the misunderstandings." The moment hangs between them, charged with the possibility of a new beginning, as Bhargav seeks forgiveness not just for the accusations but for the pain she endured in the shadow of his misconceptions. As Sanju tentatively raises her eyes to meet Bhargav's, she finds herself lost the depths of an uncharted gaze. The emotions swirling within his eyes are complex, elusive even, yet undeniably different from any look he's directed at her before. For the first time, there's a softness there, a tender warmth she had longed to find in the man she married. It's as if, in this moment, his eyes are offering the comfort, hope and understanding she's craved.

Bhargav breaks the silence, his voice laced with genuine concern, "Is the pain better, Sanju? Or should I get you some medicine for pain?" She says "Yes it is better if I don't use my hand too much. I don't need any medicine for it." He pauses, taking a breath as if to steady himself before continuing, "I am sorry. I was really mad this morning. I didn't realize I was actually hurting you when I held your wrist so tightly. Please forgive me. I promise, I will never repeat this mistake again."

Sanju, taken aback by this unexpected admission and apology, searches his face for any sign of the anger she had braced against. Instead, she finds only earnest regret and an offer of comfort that she hadn't dared to hope for. The sincerity in his voice, the promise of never repeating his actions, and the visible regret in his eyes begin to crumble the walls she's built around her heart. Sanju, still reeling from the shock of Bhargav's sudden change in demeanor, can only muster a nod in response to his apology. She remains skeptical, given his unpredictable moods in the past, but chooses to remain silent.

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