The Best CEO of the Year

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They arrived at the venue together. Sanju's eyes widened as she took in the grandeur of the event. The professional crowd, the TV channels, the elegant decorations — it was all so overwhelming. She felt a mixture of excitement and fear, but Bhargav's earlier words echoed in her mind. Have patience, and I'll explain everything. Bhargav noticed her apprehension and gave her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand gently. "Remember what I said, love. Just enjoy the evening." Sanju nodded, taking a deep breath. She held onto his arm, feeling both nervous and thrilled to be by his side at such a high-profile event. As they mingled with the crowd, Sanju couldn't help but steal glances at Bhargav, who seemed perfectly at ease in this environment. Her mind raced with questions, but she kept her promise and refrained from asking anything. Bhargav, on the other hand, was equally aware of her presence. He felt a surge of pride seeing her handle herself with such grace and poise. He knew tonight would be a pivotal moment for them, and he couldn't wait to see Sanju's reaction during the event's finale. As everyone took their seats, the evening commenced with the nation's top business executives, entrepreneurs, thinkers, and experts sharing thoughts and insights on shifting paradigms in business and the economy. Though the technical terms were a bit overwhelming for Sanju, she remained intrigued by the discussions. Internally, she questioned why Bhargav had brought her here, as this was no party, and she felt incapable of contributing even in the smallest way. As the evening drew to a close, the final segment of the program featured an award ceremony celebrating excellence and innovation in the Indian corporate landscape. As the evening drew to a close, the anticipation in the room reached its peak. The final segment of the program, the award ceremony, was about to begin. The announcer stepped up to the podium, his voice resonating through the hall. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to celebrate excellence and innovation in the Indian corporate landscape. Tonight, we honor the best and brightest in our industry with the Business Today Mindrush & Best CEOs Awards." Sanju listened intently, her eyes scanning the stage, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the winners. She felt incredibly fortunate to be in the presence of such inspiring and influential personalities. For once in her life, she was surrounded by the very best in the business world, people whose achievements and innovations had shaped industries and economies. The atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of anticipation and celebration, and she felt privileged to witness it all first hand.

"And now, the award for Best CEO of the Year," the announcer continued, pausing for dramatic effect. "This individual has not only showcased outstanding leadership but has also spearheaded groundbreaking innovations in the field of IT, revolutionizing the industry with his visionary approach. The CEO and founder of AI Works, Mr. Bhargav Kulkarni!" Sanju's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes widened in shock as she turned to Bhargav, who was already standing up, a professional smile on his face. She could barely process the words. CEO and founder of AI Works? Her mind raced to catch up with the revelation. As Bhargav made his way to the stage, Sanju's thoughts were a whirlwind. My husband is the CEO and founder of AI Works? How did I not know this? He's been so modest about his achievements. I can't believe he's the best CEO of the year! But why didn't he tell me about it? Applause filled the room, but all Sanju could hear was the rapid beating of her own heart. She watched as Bhargav accepted the award, his presence exuding calm and confidence. He looked every bit the successful, powerful man she had always sensed he was, but now it was confirmed in the most public and undeniable way. As Bhargav stepped down from the stage and returned to his seat, Sanju's mind was still reeling. She couldn't wait to get back to their room, where she knew he would finally explain everything. For now, though, she was content to bask in the glow of his achievement and the pride of being his wife. Bhargav sat down beside her, his hand finding hers under the table. He leaned in and whispered, "Surprised?" Sanju nodded, her eyes shining. "Ree, I had no idea. You're so amazing. I'm feel so proud to be your wife." He smiled, squeezing her hand. "We'll talk more about it later. For now, let's enjoy the evening." Sanju nodded, her mind still spinning but her heart full.

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