Office Dynamics and Dilemmas

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Following the buzz of the annual day, Sanju found herself buried in books, her exams demanding all her attention. Meanwhile, a significant change shook up the usual office dynamics. Anitha, following directives from Vijay, immediately reassigned Vishal to the marketing team on a temporary basis. Vishal, feeling unsettled by the sudden change, approached Anitha for some clarity. "Anitha, can we talk about my unexpected transfer to the marketing team? It feels rather sudden," he said, his voice tinged with frustration due to the distance this move would put between him and Sanju. Anitha, recognizing Vishal's discomfort over the impact of this move on his personal life, yet maintaining a professional tone, replied, "Vishal, I understand your concerns, but this directive comes from senior management. I did what I could to prevent it, but there's little flexibility on this matter. It's a temporary assignment, though, and it's critical for the project." Disappointed yet unable to negotiate further, Vishal accepted the situation, though it left him feeling isolated from the rest of his team — especially Sanju. This reassignment widened the gap between him and Sanju. Now, absorbed in her exam preparations, she barely left her work area, and he lost even those brief moments of seeing her during lunch.

Within Sanju's department, an insidious rumor began to circulate among the non-leadership staff. A malicious post surfaced online, displaying images of Vishal and Sanju at a coffee shop. In the pictures, Vishal's hand was gently holding Sanju's, and she appeared to be smiling warmly at him. Accompanying the images was a caption that read, "Girls these days do anything to get ahead in their career," insinuating that Sanju was exploiting her charm to climb the corporate ladder by seducing a director. The post, initially shared in an internal casual lunch group chat, sparked widespread discussion and speculation among the employees about its authenticity. Sanju, absorbed in her exam preparations, remained oblivious to the growing whispers and the harsh glances thrown her way. As an introvert and a loner, she didn't engage much with her colleagues beyond necessary interaction, which meant the undercurrents of hostility went largely unnoticed by her. Despite her best efforts to disregard it, Sanju couldn't help but notice the odd looks and hushed conversations that seemed to track her movements around her coworkers. Concerned, she approached Usha to inquire if she had any insight into why people were treating her with such coldness. Usha, unaware of the post as it hadn't reached the leadership team, assured her that she was unaware of any reasons. She even made inquiries among the team members, but no one disclosed anything to her.

Vishal, now busy with work in the marketing department, was similarly unaware of the malicious gossip affecting Sanju. His days were consumed with adjusting to his new role and responsibilities, far removed from the casual bullying being inflicted on Sanju in his absence. Sanju discussed with Usha and Anitha and arranged to take a few days off to focus on completing her exams.

On the day of the exam, Sanju bowed down to all of her family members in a gesture of respect. "Everyone, please bless me." she said, her voice filled with humility and nervousness for her exams. Lakshmi ajji gently cupped Sanju's face, a warm smile on her lips. "You will do wonderfully, dear. Don't worry." Narasimha tatha and Krishna gave a gentle nod. "Go with a calm mind, Sanju. Our blessings are with you." Radha stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Sanju in a loving embrace. "Stay confident, and don't let the stress get to you, okay? We're all here for you." Sanju left for her exams with a sense of reassurance from her family's support. After a demanding week of final exams, Sanju completed her last test, feeling both relieved and drained. With her exams behind her, her mind increasingly wandered to Bhargav, her yearning for him intensifying with each day. Communication had been sparse over the last week, and she missed him more than ever.

New Year's Eve approached, and Raghav, noticing her sadness, decided to step in. "Vaini, you need to get out and have some fun. Come on, I'll show you around," he said with a smile, trying to lift her spirits. Sanju sighed but nodded reluctantly, grateful for his effort. "Okay, Anna. Maybe it'll help." Raghav took her out to explore the city's New Year's Eve celebrations, guiding her through the illuminated streets as the vibrant energy of the festivities surrounded them. "See, this is what you need," Raghav said, gesturing to the colorful lights and joyful crowd. "We have to make the most of the moments we have." Sanju smiled faintly, her spirits slowly lifting. "I suppose you're right. Thank you for this." "Hey, that's what brothers are for," Raghav said, giving her a playful nudge. "And besides, anna would want you to enjoy yourself." As they wandered through the festivities, Sanju felt her worries momentarily fade away. It had been six weeks since Bhargav had left for the U.S., and she missed him terribly. But for that one evening, Raghav's company helped ease her longing, offering a brief respite from the ache of missing her husband.Raghav received an invitation from his friend Sharath to join a New Year's party at his apartment complex. Initially, Raghav declined, not wanting to leave Sanju alone, but Sanju insisted that he shouldn't miss out on the fun on her account. She suggested going home by herself instead. However, Raghav wasn't comfortable with the idea of Sanju spending the evening alone and moping at home. So he led Sanju to Sharath's apartment for the New Year countdown, where a group of his old medical school friends had gathered for a New Year's celebration in his huge apartment community. The party was in full swing, completely crowded with people laughing, dancing, drinking, and eating, while music filled the party hall. Sanju felt uncomfortable in the midst of the loud and rowdy atmosphere, unaccustomed as she was to such settings. The smell of cigarette smoke, the strong scent of alcohol, and the revealing outfits worn by many added to her discomfort. She edged closer to Raghav and whispered, "Anna, I'm going to step outside for a walk to get some fresh air." "Alright, Vaini. Don't wander off too far and keep you phone reachable." Raghav replied, giving her a reassuring nod before she left.

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