Lakshmi Ajji and Sanjana meet for the first time

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Lakshmi ajji, freshly emerged from her prayers, proceeded towards Abhaya Hasta orphanage. Mrs. Parimala, welcomed her mentor and well-wisher, Lakshmi ajji with a radiant smile. "Lakshmi mami, it's been a while since your last visit. How are you doing?" Mrs. Parimala inquired with genuine concern. "I'm well, thank you Pari. How come you're not busy right now?" Lakshmi asked. "Lakshmi mami, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Mrs. Parimala said, leading her towards Mr. Ashok's room. In Mr. Ashok's room, the elderly man greeted Lakshmi with a gentle smile that barely concealed a hint of apprehension. As pleasantries were exchanged, Lakshmi extended her heartfelt wishes for his speedy recovery. Mrs. Parimala then guided Lakshmi to the area where children were engaged in various activities.

The vibrant atmosphere of the orphanage buzzed with energy as Sanju gathered the children for her art class. The room echoed with excited chatter and laughter, creating a lively ambiance that seemed to uplift everyone present. Sanju, with her gentle voice and radiant smile, began the class by introducing the day's art project. The children, eager to start, clapped and cheered as Sanju handed out newspaper, glue, and a basket of natural materials collected from the garden. Walking around the room, she encouraged each child's unique flair, guiding them through their creative endeavors. Sanju's classroom was a canvas painted with children's joyous expressions and colorful creations; each child using art to convey their dreams under her watchful eye.

But curled up in one corner sat a 5-year-old Arjun - his world colored by different shades; autism made him an island amidst a sea of faces. The laughter stung; he felt alienated in this world where he had been abandoned because he danced to a different tune. Sanju saw Arjun - his silence screamed louder than the children's laughter around him. She reached out to connect with him through gentle words. Yet Arjun remained silent – his gaze fixed on the distant horizon beyond the walls, clutching his stuffed bear. He hated art class. He hated the noise, the smells, the textures, and the expectations. He hated the other kids, who laughed at him and called him names. He hated the orphanage, where he had been dumped by his parents when they found out he was different. He felt a surge of emotions he could not point out - sadness and anger, wishing he could escape this nightmare. She knelt down to his level and spoke softly and gently, using simple words and gestures. She asked him about his bear, his hobbies, his dreams. She listened attentively and nodded encouragingly. "Arjun. Do you want to make some art with me?" she asked softly. Arjun did not look at her. He kept staring at the wall, rocking back and forth slightly. He did not respond to her question. Sanju did not give up. She knew that Arjun had a hard time communicating and socializing with others. She reached into the basket and took out a dandelion flower. She held it in front of Arjun's face and shook it gently. 

"Look, Arjun. This is a dandelion flower. It has a nice shape and texture. Do you want to touch it?" she asked. Arjun glanced at the dandelion flower briefly, then looked away. He did not reach for it. Sanju did not get discouraged. She put the flower on the table next to him, and took out another item from the basket. It was a red rose. 

"This is a rose. It's a beautiful flower. It has a lovely color and smell. Do you want to smell it?" she asked. She held the rose under Arjun's nose and waited for his reaction. Arjun sniffed the rose and made a face. He pushed it away with his hand. Sanju smiled. She was glad that he had shown some interest and expression. She put the rose on the table next to the dandelion flower, and took out another item from the basket. It was a lemon.

"This is a lemon. It's a fruit. It has a sour taste and a bright yellow color. Do you want to taste it?" she asked. She cut the lemon in half and squeezed some juice onto her finger. She offered it to Arjun's mouth. Arjun opened his mouth and licked the juice. He grimaced and spat it out. He made a loud noise and covered his ears. Sanju smiled. She was happy that he had tried something new and had made a sound. She put the lemon on the table next to the rose and the dandelion flower, and took out another item from the basket. It was a feather. "This is a feather. It's from a bird. It has a soft and light feel. Do you want to feel it?" she asked. She brushed the feather against Arjun's cheek and neck. Arjun shivered and smiled. He reached for the feather and held it in his hand. He stroked it with his fingers and brought it to his face. Sanju clapped her hands. She was thrilled that he had smiled and touched something. She put the feather on the table next to the lemon, the rose, and the dandelion flower, and took out another item from the basket. It was a small mirror. 

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