🎆 First Deepavali 🎆

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Deepavali, also known as Diwali — the Festival of Lights — was celebrated with great joy and grandeur at the Kulkarni household. This year's festivities held particular significance as it was the first Deepavali following Bhargav and Sanju's wedding. For Sanju, it was an extraordinarily special occasion, marking her first deepavali festival celebration with her large family. A week before, the entire Kulkarni family threw themselves into the preparations, adorning the home with festive lights, cooking sweets and snacks together, and fostering an atmosphere filled with love, laughter, and togetherness. At AI Works, Bhargav continued the festive spirit, generously distributing salary bonuses, sweets, and gifts to all his employees. This gesture of goodwill was mirrored at Krishna Hrudayalaya, enhancing the joy and festival spirit.

The bustling streets of Gandhibazar were lined with vibrant stalls and twinkling lights as Sanju, with a heart full of excitement, wandered around the busy streets after work. She found perfect, personalized gifts for each member of her new family, a way to express her gratitude and love to everyone. After hours of thoughtful selection, she sat in the car, arms filled with packages. Back at home, Sanju's arrival with a myriad of beautifully wrapped gifts piqued everyone's curiosity. She gathered the family in the living room, her eyes shining with anticipation as she distributed the gifts. "What do you have there, Sanju?" Radha asked, eyeing the packages with interest. Sanju smiled, setting down the bags and distributing the gifts. "Happy deepavali everyone. I just got a little something for everyone. Hope you like them." she replied, her excitement barely contained.

One by one, the family unwrapped their gifts: Narasimha was deeply touched by the complete set of Indian spiritual classics, including beautifully bound editions of the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Harivamsha. "Sanju, this is very thoughtful. These texts are close to my heart. Thank you," he said, his voice thick with emotion. Ashok's eyes lit up at the DVD set of discourses on the Bhagavad Gita. "Ah, Sanju. I am so happy." he smiled with tears in his eyes, already planning his next listening session.

Krishna appreciated the sophisticated set of fountain pens, each engraved with aspects of the Hippocratic Oath, reflecting his commitment to the medical field. "These will serve me well. Thank you, Sanju." he said, admiring the craftsmanship. Radha was thrilled with her Kindle Scribe loaded with some of her favorite medical journals. "Oh, Sanju! This is perfect for my reading during breaks at the hospital. Thank you, dear," she exclaimed, eager to explore her new gadget. Raghav grinned as he examined his personalized doctor's bag. "This is just what I needed. It's fantastic, vaini. Thank you!"

Bhargav, watching Sanju's thoughtful gestures, felt a surge of affection. When he finally opened his gift—a custom-engraved watch with the date of their wedding inscribed and with the message "You mean the world to me" on the back—he was visibly moved. "Sanju, this is incredible. Thank you so much," he murmured, his eyes locking with hers in a silent message of love.

Seeing the joy her gifts brought filled Sanju with warmth and happiness. As everyone got busy exploring their gifts, unable to resist Bhargav caught her hand and whispered, "Come with me." He guided her subtly to the garden, pretending to show her the Diwali decorations. Hidden beneath the shadows of the trees and illuminated only by the gentle light of the festival lamps, Bhargav drew her near. "I wanted to thank you personally, in a special way, for your kindness and for just being you," he whispered, before his lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Taken aback, Sanju's heart pounded furiously; the kiss left her breathless, her lips swollen and tender, and her cheeks blushed a vivid red. "I love you, Sanju," he murmured as he embraced her and gently kissed her forehead. Unknown to the couple, a few mischievous eyes from the family had followed them silently. The scene, tender and private, was too good to resist teasing about. As the couple returned, still hand in hand, the family couldn't contain their amusement.

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