Bhargav's Jealousy

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Its Sunday morning, Sanju, true to her disciplined nature, was awake by 4 AM. After getting ready dressing in a simple comfortable saree, she made her way to the puja room. There, she began her worship of Lord Shri Ram after lighting the diyas. As she sang her favorite Ram bhajan, her voice carried the melody and devotion through the quiet house. Lakshmi, on her way to join the morning puja, paused as the familiar melody reached her ears. It was the same bhajan, sung in the same soulful voice she had once heard at the ram temple near the orphanage. Overwhelmed with excitement and nostalgia, she waited for Sanju to finish singing. As the last note faded, Lakshmi approached Sanju, her eyes sparkling with youthful enthusiasm. "Sanju, that was beautiful! Would you teach me that bhajan? I heard it once before in the Shri Ram temple near the orphanage, and it's stayed with me ever since. I even looked for you that day." she requested, her voice echoing her eagerness. Sanju, touched by her request, smiled warmly. "Of course, ajji. I'd be happy to teach you," she agreed, her heart light with the joy of sharing. Together, they moved to the kitchen where Sanju began preparing coffee for ajji. They settled in the living room, coffee in hand, chatting comfortably. Sanju, eager to learn more about her new family, listened attentively to Lakshmi, absorbing the details of each family member's routine and preferences. Their peaceful morning was soon joined by Radha, who returned home looking weary from a complicated birth that had lasted all night. Sanju immediately noticed her exhaustion. "Amma, you look exhausted. Sit here. I'll bring you some fresh hot coffee," Sanju offered, her concern evident in her tone. As Radha settled in the living room, Sanju quickly returned with not just the coffee but also some warmed coconut oil. "Amma, let me give you a warm oil massage. It'll help you relax." Sanju suggested, her hands ready to provide relief. Radha, too tired to protest, allowed herself to be pampered. As Sanju's skilled hands worked through the knots and tension, Radha felt a deep sense of relaxation wash over her. "Sanju, this is wonderful. Thank you," she murmured, her gratitude genuine. "Amma, this is exactly why we need daughters in the family. No one cares for their mothers quite like daughters do," Radha told ajji, her voice laced with appreciation. Ajji, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and agreement, replied, "Indeed, Radha. Daughters bring a special warmth and care to the home. We're blessed to have Sanju with us."

Raghav, spotting the serene atmosphere in the living room, couldn't resist joining in. With a playful glint in his eye, he approached, saying, "Vaini, please, may I have a nice oil massage too?" Sanju, agreed with a smile and, after finishing with Radha, prepared to give Raghav a head massage. Raghav gestures for Sanju to sit on the sofa, he positioned himself at her feet, on the floor in front of the sofa so his head rests comfortably on her lap. Sanju begins to massage, her touch firm and soothing. Raghav lets out exaggerated groans of pleasure. Lakshmi and Radha chuckle at the sounds. As Sanju's hands worked their magic, Raghav couldn't hold back his expressions of bliss, his moans of relaxation getting louder and filling the room. These sounds, unusual in their intensity, drew Bhargav downstairs, curiosity and concern mixed in his swift stride. "What is going on here?" Bhargav demanded, his voice betraying a hint of irritation as he took in the scene—his brother's head on Sanju's lap enjoying a massage from Sanju, with Radha and Ajji looking on in contentment. "Oh, just enjoying the magic of my dear vaini's hands. They work wonders, I tell you!" Bhargav grits his teeth and clenches his fists. Radha, still relaxed from her own massage, reassured him, "Your wife has a gift for head massages. You should try it; it's truly wonderful." Bhargav's mind raced with thoughts of confusion and jealousy. "What does amma mean by enjoying the gift of her head massages when she tells me men and women should stay two feet away. Is Raghav not a man? Why does it look like I am the only man? Why the hell is she massaging Raghav and not me? Shouldn't I be the one receiving all her care? Why the hell is Raghav so close to Sanju with his head on her lap. He can get his own wife if he wants someone to care for him. Why is he snatching mine?" he pondered, feeling a sense of possessiveness he hadn't expected and was not even aware of. Raghav, keenly aware of Bhargav's turmoil, decided to playfully escalate the situation. "Vaini, your hands are truly blessed. I could kiss them for the relief you've given me," he exclaimed, his praise causing Sanju to blush and look away, her shyness evident.

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