The Wedding Night

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Sanjana's maroon lace saree rustled softly, matching the nervous flutter in her heart. The bedroom was lit by candles and fairy lights, casting long shadows on the walls. Tonight marked the beginning of her new life with Bhargav, and she felt both scared and nervous. She had never even spoken to a man before and had no idea what was expected of her. The thought of being in the same room with her husband made her heart race with unease. Her henna-decorated fingers trembled as she smoothed her saree, standing in front of the mirror. She had never faced something so unknown. The prospect of sharing this night with a man she barely knew, her husband, sent shivers down her spine. But beneath the fear, she felt a spark of curiosity. Bhargav had always been a mystery to her, whom she saw for the first time today during their wedding. Tonight, maybe she'd finally learn a little more about him. She glanced at herself in the mirror. The candles gave her skin a warm glow, and the red sindhoor on her hair partition marked her as a new bride. Jasmine flowers in her hair tied in a bun, released a delicate scent. Despite her fear, her eyes held a new delicate innocent enchanting beauty. Bhargav, on the other hand, was impatient. He had not been with a woman for weeks, and he couldn't wait to have his way with his new bride who he was sure was a virgin. He was dressed in a traditional dhoti, which accentuated his muscular physique. His sharp jawline and fair skin made him look even more handsome. He had always been a man of few words, but tonight he was couldn't wait to have his way with Sanjana.

In the quiet of the evening, just before Bhargav was to make his way to the chamber that would seal his marriage in the most intimate of ways, Krishna called him into his study. The room, usually a place of solace and wisdom, felt unusually charged tonight. Radha was there too, holding an elegantly wrapped gift box, her expression a blend of maternal warmth and a hint of mischief. "Why do we need this?" Bhargav asked, eyeing the box with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "This," Radha began, her smile widening, "is a tradition, a gift from the husband to his wife on their wedding night. It's an important gesture, symbolizing the beginning of your shared life." Bhargav frowned slightly, his gaze shifting from the box to his parents. "And who chose this?" His voice carried an undertone of suspicion, reflective of the turmoil within him. Radha's answer was swift, "This was the set that Sanju admired the most in the store. She didn't realize then that it would become her wedding night gift." Her eyes sparkled with the knowledge of a well-kept secret. The information only served to deepen Bhargav's resolve to uncover the truth about Sanju's character. Was she truly the innocent soul her eyes suggested, or was there a layer of greed beneath that simplicity? As Radha excused herself, leaving the men to their conversation, Krishna's demeanor turned serious. "Bhargav," he began, his voice carrying the weight of years and experience, "the bond between husband and wife is sacred. It's not just about tonight but every day that follows. You must nurture it with love, respect, and above all, patience." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing, "Tonight is more than a formality. It's the foundation of your life together. Approach it with an open heart and the willingness to understand and cherish Sanju." Bhargav listened, the gravity of his father's advice not lost on him. Yet, his inner conflict remained unresolved. As he took the gift box in hand and made his way to the wedding chamber, his thoughts were a stormy sea. Tonight, he decided, would be the ultimate test. Not just for Sanju, but for himself as well. Could he look beyond his doubts and see the woman before him for who she truly was?

With each step towards the room where his bride awaited, Bhargav felt the weight of the unknown pressing down on him. Yet, Krishna's words echoed in his mind. Tonight was not just about gifts or tests; it was about beginnings. And Bhargav, with the gift box in hand, was on the threshold of a new chapter, one that promised as much mystery as it did hope. Bhargav paused at the threshold of the room, his gaze immediately drawn to the figure standing by the window. The fairy lights cast a golden glow, outlining her form in a radiant silhouette. He took a moment, just watching, as she fidgeted with the pallu of her saree, a blend of nervousness and anticipation in her movements. She was unaware of his presence, lost in her own thoughts, perhaps contemplating the vast unknown that lay ahead of them both. He stepped into the room, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet, each step deliberate, as if he were both hunter and guardian, approaching something precious and wildly unfamiliar. As he moved closer, the details of her became clearer—the way the saree clung to her figure, the delicate curve of her waist just visible beneath the fabric, and the gentle rise and fall of her shoulders as she breathed. Reaching a spot just behind her, he could see her reflection in the mirror. The sight stole his breath away. Her eyes met his in the reflection, a myriad of emotions flickering through them — surprise, fear, curiosity, and something he couldn't quite name but felt like a spark ready to ignite. Bhargav was overwhelmed by a commotion of feelings. Desire, protectiveness, a fierce possessiveness that surprised him, and an undercurrent of something softer, tender, which he hadn't felt in a long time. She was more than he'd imagined, a contradiction of innocence and allure, stirring within him a hunger he'd thought long buried. "You look...irresistible," he found himself whispering, the words escaping him before he could think. His voice was a low rumble, filled with an intensity he barely recognized. He watched her reaction in the mirror, saw the shiver that ran through her, the way her eyes widened, and the slight parting of her lips. It was as if he'd touched her, though they were still a breath apart. Sanju's shudder at his words wasn't lost on him. It was a reaction so raw and primal. The room, filled with the scent of jasmine from her hair, seemed to shrink, charged with an electric tension that pulsed between them. In that moment, Bhargav knew. Whatever doubts he harbored, whatever fears about their union, the undeniable truth was there, in the space between their bodies and in the depths of her eyes. This was the beginning of something. Something terrifying and beautiful. And he was irrevocably, irresistibly drawn to it.

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