A Day of Discovery

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Sanju and Bhargav arrived at Nrityagram, an oasis of dance and culture nestled away from the city's bustle. This peaceful haven of dance, with its tranquil landscape and unwavering commitment to the preservation of classical arts, was Bhargav's thoughtful selection to help Sanju unwind and connect with him more deeply. 

For Sanju, the sight of Nrityagram's lush surroundings and the echo of music floating through the air stirred a deep sense of nostalgia, transporting her back to her village where she enjoyed the rhythms of nature and community all her life. The simplicity and beauty of Nrityagram, mirroring the essence of her village, satisfied the longing in her heart for the familiar comfort and pure joy, surrounded by the open skies and the timeless tradition of storytelling through dance.

As they wandered through the meticulously landscaped gardens, Bhargav noticed Sanju's eyes light up with a childlike wonder. "This place is magical. It reminds me of home back in my village" Sanju breathed out, her gaze fixed on a group of dancers practicing in the distance.

Without a second thought, Sanju found herself swaying to the music at the periphery, her body instinctively mirroring the dancers' grace and precision. Lost in the moment, she barely noticed when one of the dancers, spotting her natural talent, beckoned her over."Come, join us," beckoned the dancer, her smile bright as she handed Sanju a pair of dance anklets. A blend of thrill and apprehension filled Sanju as she approached the practice area, her heart pounding. She turned to Bhargav, seeking his consent with her eyes. Bhargav responded with a gentle smile and an encouraging nod, giving her the reassurance she needed to step forward.

As the dancers demonstrated the steps once more, Sanju watched intently, her eyes tracing every movement. Then, with the music guiding her, she began to dance, her movements echoing the dancers' with surprising ease. Each step, each turn, felt as natural to her as breathing. Bhargav, who had been content to watch from a distance, found himself utterly mesmerized by Sanju's performance. The way she moved her hips, the elegance in her posture, and the emotion she poured into every gesture were breathtaking. As the dance concluded, applause broke out among the dancers and onlookers alike.

Bhargav approached Sanju, awe evident in his voice. "That was incredible, Sanju! Have you been training for a long time?" Sanju, her cheeks flushed with the exertion and joy of the dance, shook her head. "No, I just learned Bharatanatyam during high school. My teacher in the village taught me in exchange for art lessons for her children. It's been a while since I last danced like this."

Bhargav could only stare in admiration finding himself captivated not just by the surroundings but by the joy radiating from Sanju making Sanju blush. "Have you ever imagined living a life dedicated to art like this?" Sanju turned to him, her smile bright. "I've always loved dance, but I never thought of pursuing it."

Their stroll led them to the café nestled within Nrityagram, where they decided to have lunch. The café's rustic charm and the aroma of local cuisine was wonderful. As they sat down, Bhargav seized the opportunity to delve deeper into Sanju's thoughts. "So, if not dance, what was your dream growing up?" Sanju pondered for a moment before replying, "I wanted to be many things; a teacher, a painter... but most of all, I wanted to make my tatha proud." Bhargav was touched by her simplicity and the depth of her familial ties. "You've certainly made him and even us proud, Sanju. Just by being the person you are."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they shared their meal, with Bhargav learning more about Sanju's childhood dreams, her favorite memories, and even her favorite foods. Sanju, in turn, felt a growing comfort with Bhargav, his genuine interest in her life making her feel valued. Bhargav found himself enchanted even more by Sanju's simplicity and her perspective on life. It was a revelation to him, seeing how her eyes lit up when she talked about her family, her love for painting, and her aspirations.

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