Closer Than Ever

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Vishal sat at his desk at home, the soft glow of his computer screen illuminating his face. He had just finished a long day at work and was ready for his video call with his parents. As the screen connected, his mother and father's faces appeared, their warm smiles greeting him. "Vishal, how are you, beta?" his mother asked, her voice filled with warmth. "I'm good, Ma. How are you both?" Vishal replied, trying to sound casual, though he felt a slight tension in the air. "We're fine, beta," his father said, his voice filled with pride. "We're so excited about the award ceremony. It's a big honor for the family." Vishal smiled, feeling a sense of pride swell in his chest. "Yes, I'm looking forward to it too. Can't wait to see you receive such an honor, Papa." His father beamed, but his mother's expression turned more serious. "Vishal," she began, her tone soft but earnest, "your father and I have been thinking... you're getting older. It's time you settled down and started your own family. We want to see you happy and married." Vishal had heard this countless times before and usually responded with a polite refusal. But today, something had changed. He felt a shy smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

His mother's eyes widened. "Beta, is that a smile on your face? Is there someone in your life?" Vishal nodded slowly. "Yes, Ma. Her name is Sanju, and she's a colleague of mine," Vishal said, his voice tinged with excitement. His mother's face lit up with joy. "Tell us about her, beta." "Sanju is incredibly talented and hardworking. She's just 19, but she's already made a huge impression at work. She's kind, smart, and she makes me really happy," Vishal shared, his admiration evident. "Her creativity and dedication have brought fresh ideas to the team, and everyone respects her." He paused, a smile spreading across his face as he continued. "She's also so compassionate, always willing to help others. I remember this one time, she really showed what an amazing person she is. There was a college kid who was being harassed by some local troublemakers near our office. Sanju saw that and took matters into her own hands." His mother listened intently, her eyes widening with interest. "She protected the girl while taking care of those goons," Vishal continued "She made sure the kid felt safe and supported." His mother's face lit up with pride. "Well she sounds extraordinary, beta. Her bravery and kindness are truly admirable." "There's more," Vishal added, his eyes sparkling. "She's also an incredible singer and dancer. You should see her perform. She has this natural talent that captivates everyone. She has such a divine voice. At our annual day event, we sang a duet, and it was amazing." Vishal quickly found the video link on his phone and shared it with his parents. As they watched, their faces lit up with joy and admiration. "She has such a beautiful voice!" his mother exclaimed. "And her dancing is so graceful." "She really does," Vishal agreed, his heart swelling with pride. "Sanju brings so much light and positivity wherever she goes. I feel so lucky to have her in my life."

His mother beamed, delighted to see Vishal so in love. "Oh, Vishal, this is wonderful news! We can't wait to meet her and see you so happy." Vishal's smile grew even wider. "I really think you both will love her. She's everything I've ever wanted and more." His father nodded approvingly. "It sounds like you've found someone truly special, Vishal." Vishal's expression softened. "Well, there might be a slight problem. I proposed to her, but she turned me down. That same day, she started wearing a mangalsutra and sindoor to avoid unwanted advances. But despite that, I love her, Ma. I believe she just needs time and maybe the right circumstances to open up." Vishal's mother looked thoughtful. "Are you sure about her, Vishal? Mangalsutra and sindoor... it could mean she's already married." "I'm very sure, Ma. How can someone wear mangalsutra and sindhoor on the same day in the afternoon since I proposed? Also she is just 19 and she is working as well as studying her degree..." Vishal replied confidently. "I've never seen her husband pick her up or drop her off at work. She never talks about him or talks to anyone on her phone, and whenever we ask her questions, she responds perfunctorily. I genuinely believe she's not married." Vishal's mother exchanged a glance with his father. "We'd love to meet her," she said finally. "How about we travel to Bangalore after the award ceremony in Mumbai? You can introduce us to her. May be we can get to know her and find out more about her." Vishal felt a surge of happiness. "That would be perfect. I'm sure you'll love her." "Oh, we can't wait!" his mother exclaimed. "This is wonderful news. Your father and I are so happy for you." As they ended the call, Vishal felt a newfound sense of hope. His parents were supportive, and he was ready to take the next step.

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