The D-Day Final Part

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I have explained some wedding rituals as I have written about them. The explanation will be in italics.

The wedding day festivities transitioned seamlessly into bhoomada oota - a lunch setting which gets intimate between the couples as their first shared meal from the same plate (aka banana leaf). The couples are supposed to feed each other and sometimes the relatives also tease and force the couple to share the same piece of sweet or something else like almost kissing. It is a fun lunch for the family and a lot of times quite embarrassing for the couples especially in arranged marriages where the couples are not totally comfortable with each other yet. 

This is how bhoomada oota is arranged:

This is how bhoomada oota is arranged:

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Bhargav and Sanju were seated together, their meals served on an expansive banana leaf

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Bhargav and Sanju were seated together, their meals served on an expansive banana leaf. This special moment, meant for the newlyweds to feed each other, became an endearing spectacle for all. As Bhargav fed Sanju, her cheeks blossomed with a shy rose hue, clearly embarrassed by the intimate gesture before a crowd of elders and family. Noticing Sanju's discomfort, Vijay, Ragini, and Raghav decided to lighten the mood with their playful banter. Ragini leaned in, a teasing sparkle in his eyes, "Oh look, Sanju, seems like Bhargav has found his true calling in life — becoming the world's most attentive husband!" Vijay, with a gentle laugh, added, "Sanju, you must be the only bride who gets a five-star meal service right at the wedding! Bhargav, make sure you're not setting the bar too high for the rest of us husbands here." Raghav chimed in with a grin, "I thought anna was all about boardroom dominance, but here he is, excelling in culinary affection! Vaini, you've truly brought out the best in him." Their words, filled with warmth and jest, helped Sanju feel a bit more at ease, her initial embarrassment melting into a sense of belonging.

Once lunch was complete it was now time for Sanju's send off (like vidai in north india). In Karnataka, the send-off ceremony for the bride holds a unique tradition. It begins with a ritual akin to godh bharai, where the bride is lavished with gifts from her parents such as sarees, jewelry, grains, and coconuts, which she gathers in the pallu of her saree like a precious bundle. Following this, the elders from the groom's family line up, ready to participate in a meaningful ceremony. The bride's parents guide her to sit momentarily on the laps of each elder couple in succession. This act symbolizes handing over their cherished daughter, now adorned with gifts and blessings, into the care of her new family. The procession culminates with the bride sitting on the laps of her husband's closest relatives, including his grandparents and parents, and finally, her husband. At this juncture, an aarti is performed for the couple, signifying the groom's lifelong commitment to shoulder the responsibilities and joys of his bride and their future together. This moment, steeped in emotion and tradition, often brings tears to the eyes of all present, marking the bride's formal transition into her husband's family. The overwhelming emotion shared by both the bride's and groom's families highlights the depth of the bond being formed, making it one of the most touching and heartfelt moments of the wedding.

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