Bhargav's Confession

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One afternoon, as the family gathered in the cozy living room, Lakshmi Ajji, turned to Bhargav with a thoughtful expression. "Bhargav," she began, her voice carrying the weight of tradition and expectation, "you and Sanju should visit Devarayana Durga. All of us prayed before your wedding that you would complete the puja of Lakshmi Narasimha as a couple with your wife. It's time to fulfill that prayer."

Bhargav nodded, a look of realization dawning on him. "You're right, Ajji. If Sanju agrees, we could make the trip this weekend without any further delay" Sanju, sitting beside him, smiled in agreement. "I would love to go." Bhargav suggested to Sanju that they pack for a weekend retreat, seeking a peaceful escape following their journey to Devarayanadurga. Sanju packed appropriately for each of them.

The day for their pilgrimage was blessed with clear skies and a gentle breeze, perfect for a ride to Devarayana Durga. Bhargav revved up his bmw roadster covertible, a sense of adventure filling the air as Sanju secured herself beside him. The engine roared to life, and they set off, leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind for the serene and spiritual embrace of the hills. The road to Devarayana Durga wound through lush landscapes and quaint villages, each turn bringing them closer to their spiritual destination. As they arrived, they walked into the temple grounds, the atmosphere around them charged with devotion and peace. The puja was a serene affair, Bhargav and Sanju offering their prayers to Lakshmi Narasimha, their hearts intertwined in faith and gratitude. Sanju's rendition of a devotional hymn dedicated to Narasimha held a captivating beauty, enchanting all within the temple's precincts, yet it was Bhargav who found himself utterly mesmerized by the divine quality of her voice, falling in love with her all over again. After the puja, they shared a simple but fulfilling lunch provided by the temple.

Bhargav glanced at Sanju, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "There's one more place I want to show you," he said, his voice tinged with anticipation. He led her on a path that climbed towards the top of a nearby cliff, known only to those who sought the most breathtaking views Devarayana Durga had to offer. It was a favorite spot of Bhargav and his brother, Raghav, a place of contemplation and brotherly bonds. As they reached the top, the world seemed to open up before them. The panoramic view of the surrounding landscape, with the temple below and the vast sky above, was a sight to behold. "This... is amazing," Sanju whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Bhargav smiled, his heart full as he wrapped an arm around her. "It's a place of peace for me. A place I wanted to share with you," he said softly. "I come here to think, to dream, and now... to share these moments with you." They stood together in comfortable silence enjoying the tranquility. Bhargav inquired, "Sanju, just as Lord Ram holds a special place in your heart, Lakshmi Narasimha is my deity of choice. He's my beacon during the toughest moments and the one I'm perpetually grateful to. Could you sing that beautiful song you sang earlier once more?" As Sanju was singing, Bhargav turned to face Sanju, his eyes reflecting the love for Sanju and the serenity of this moment. He took her hands in his, drawing her closer, as the beauty of the moment settled between them.

"Sanju," he began, his voice soft but carrying an undeniable intensity. "Being here with you, sharing this journey... it's made me realize something profound." Sanju looked into his eyes, her heart beginning to race with anticipation and a touch of nervousness. She had never seen Bhargav so earnest, so open. "I love you, Sanju," Bhargav confessed, the words floating between them like a sacred vow. "I love you more than I've ever thought possible. You've brought light into my life in ways I never imagined."

Sanju's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise and emotion. No one had ever said those words to her before, and hearing them now, from Bhargav, filled her with an indescribable warmth. She felt a rush of shyness, her cheeks flushing with a soft blush, but also an overwhelming sense of happiness. Before she could respond, Bhargav leaned in, pressing a gentle lingering kiss to her forehead, a gesture of love and reverence. He then wrapped her in a hug, enveloping her in the warmth of his embrace.

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