Morning After Bliss

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In the stillness of the midnight hour, Bhargav stirred awake. Gently extracting his arm from around Sanju, he reached for his phone to text Vijay, letting him know he'd need more time in the morning for him and Sanju to get ready. He typed quietly, careful not to disturb her, but couldn't resist gazing at her lovingly. Sanju was cuddled up against him, her chest rising and falling with each breath, the sheets covering them only to their waists. Bhargav's heart swelled with affection as he watched her, tracing the delicate curve of her lips with his eyes. As if sensing his gaze, Sanju's eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him, her eyes still heavy with sleep, and instinctively hugged him tighter. The feeling of her bare chest pressing against his skin made her blush deeply, and she quickly pulled the sheet up to cover herself. "Morning already?" she asked, her voice a sleepy murmur. Bhargav chuckled softly. "No, sweetheart. It's still night. I was just texting Vijay that we'll need some extra time in the morning." He smiled, noticing the pink tint on her cheeks. "You were sleeping so peacefully."

Sanju's blush deepened, and she buried her face in his chest for a moment before peeking back up at him. Bhargav's eyes sparkled with mischief as he waited for her to realize what had transpired earlier. He reached over to switch on the bedside lamp, and as he did, the sheet slipped off him completely, revealing his junior already aroused. Sanju's eyes widened in shock. She had never seen a male member before, and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she took in the sight of him completely naked and so at ease. Her initial shock gave way to an intense shyness, but just as she was about to turn away, she noticed spots of blood on the sheets and on Bhargav's member. "Oh my God, Ree, are you hurt?" she exclaimed, sitting up quickly and touching his member with concern. The moment she did, Bhargav groaned out loud, causing Sanju to fear she was hurting him further. Yet, she could not see any evident wound on him. Bhargav's groan quickly turned into a chuckle, though his voice remained laced with desire. "No, sweetheart, you're not hurting me," he reassured her, his hand gently covering hers. "It's just... incredibly sensitive, especially after what we've just shared. It's already eager to experience that with you over and over again..." Sanju's cheeks flushed even deeper as she pulled her hand away, embarrassed. "I... I'm sorry, Ree. I didn't know. But the blood...?" Bhargav leaned in, brushing a kiss on her forehead. "There's nothing to be sorry about, love. This is all new for you, and it's perfectly okay." He cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her skin. "Just trust me and let me show you how wonderful this can be for both of us." Bhargav smiled gently, taking a deep breath. "Also, remember how I told you there are things about intimacy that you might not know yet?" She nodded, her curiosity piqued despite her embarrassment.

He pulled her closer, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back. "When a woman does it for the first time, it's normal for there to be a little blood. It's a sign that we've made our union complete." Sanju's eyes widened further, a mix of understanding and shyness flooding her features. "Oh... I didn't know..." Bhargav chuckled softly, his voice turning flirty. "There's a lot more to learn, love. And I'll teach you everything, one step at a time." She nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "So... that means we took the next step...?" He nodded, a tender smile on his lips. "Yes, we did. Completely." Sanju felt a wave of emotions, her shyness battling with curiosity and the remnants of her initial shock. "Is it always... like that?" Bhargav's smile grew more mischievous. "It can be different every time. Sometimes gentle, sometimes passionate, sometimes wild, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. It depends on what we feel in the moment." Sanju bit her lip, her blush deepening. "And you... you enjoyed it?" Bhargav's eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in closer. "More than anything, sweetheart. You were incredible. And seeing you like this, so innocent and curious... it's incredibly arousing." Her breath hitched at his words, feeling a mixture of shyness and excitement. "I... I want to learn more, Ree. I was so lost in the moment yesterday that my mind and body were not able to register what happened." she whispered, her voice barely audible. Bhargav's grin widened, his hand moving to cup her cheek. "And I'll teach you everything," he murmured, his lips brushing against hers in a tender, yet passionate kiss.

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