Unexpected Heroics and Unforeseen Attention

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Bhargav's call connected, revealing Vijay's knowing smile, already sensing the reason for the late-night call. "Hey, Bhargav," Vijay greeted warmly, a mix of friendliness and concern in his tone. "I had a feeling you'd call. Let me guess, it's about Vishal, right?" Bhargav ran a hand through his hair, his frustration palpable. "Yeah, it's about him. Did you see how he was looking at Sanju during the duet? His gaze never left her. It's more than just professional admiration, Vijay. It's personal, and it's driving me crazy." Vijay chuckled softly, fully understanding his friend's predicament. "I noticed. So, what are you thinking? How do you want to handle this?" Bhargav sighed deeply, collecting his thoughts. "I just want to make sure this doesn't affect Sanju. I trust her completely, but this situation with Vishal..." 

"You're jealous of him, aren't you?" Vijay asked, leaning back in his chair, ready to dive into problem-solving mode. "Of course I am. Sanju is MINE and mine alone. No one else has the right to look at her like that. I want to keep a close eye on him, but I'm so far away. I can't even come back sooner," Bhargav replied.

"Let me keep a closer eye on Vishal," Vijay offered, his tone serious yet supportive. "We won't be obvious, just ensure that he stays professional. I can talk to a few people discreetly to make sure his behavior is being monitored. And maybe you could get Vishal to fly to the US ASAP until you are back. Putting some distance between them might cool off his feelings. What if we accelerate some of the leadership training or special projects we discussed before?" "That's a solid idea," Bhargav agreed, feeling more relaxed as a plan took shape. "Thanks, man. I knew you'd understand. I just hate feeling this... helpless, you know?" Vijay gave a reassuring smile. "You're not helpless, Bhargav. You're being proactive, and you're looking out for Sanju. That's what matters. Let's start putting these pieces into motion. I'm here to help however you need." "Appreciate it, Vijay. Really. I'll let you handle the discreet checks on Vishal, and I'll start organizing the meetings about his travel tomorrow." "Done," Vijay confirmed. "And Bhargav, try not to stress too much." Ending the call, Bhargav felt a renewed sense of control over the situation, grateful for Vijay's steady support and friendship. Though jealousy still simmered beneath the surface, he was reassured that with careful planning and a trusted ally, they could handle the situation with tact and ensure Sanju's comfort at work.

It was Monday morning, and Vishal entered the office, still basking in the glow of his duet performance with Sanju at the annual day. But his excitement quickly turned to puzzlement when he received a message from Bhargav's office, summoning him to a video call with the CEO. He was unaware of any urgent updates on his project that might need Bhargav's attention, and Anitha, his usual contact, hadn't mentioned anything about it. The abrupt nature of the meeting left him with a sense of unease. When the call connected, Vishal greeted Bhargav with a mix of professionalism and nerves. Bhargav was already on the call, his expression unreadable. "Good morning, Vishal," he said in a tone that was all business. "Congratulations on your performance and on winning the award." "Thank you, sir," Vishal replied, feeling awkward as he tried to gauge the reason for the meeting. Bhargav's gaze was steady on the screen, his voice calm but with a subtle edge. "I wanted to discuss an opportunity for you to travel to the U.S. immediately for the game-related training session that we previously discussed about."

Vishal blinked in surprise, his brows furrowing in confusion. The whole situation seemed unusual, as last-minute travel wasn't typical, and Bhargav usually communicated through Anitha. "I thought the training was scheduled for next month, sir. Unfortunately, I won't be able to travel immediately as my visa has expired." Bhargav's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly, his eyes darkening with frustration that he quickly suppressed. "That's unfortunate," he said coolly. "We need to figure out a feasible solution." Vishal nodded, still confused. "Of course, sir. I'll sort out my visa as soon as possible. Is there a chance I could do this remotely?" "Ok. I am not sure if it can be done remotely yet," Bhargav said, maintaining his neutral expression. "I'll have Anitha work with you on the details. Let me know if you need any assistance on your visa processing." "Thank you, sir," Vishal said before hesitating. "Sir, I also wanted to suggest bringing another person to this training. You remember the artist whose work you liked? I believe she could join me for the training, and I could mentor her. In my professional opinion, it would be a great value-add for Sanju." This suggestion made Bhargav's blood boil, though he kept his emotions in check, taking deep breaths and counting silently to calm himself before replying, "No, Vishal. That won't be necessary." With that, he ended the call abruptly, leaving Vishal feeling awkward even after the call ended.

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