Sanju and Bhargav Exploring New Depths

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Sanju woke up feeling like she was floating on a cloud. As she opened her eyes, the world around her seemed to shimmer with an extra layer of brightness. The birds outside her window sang a little sweeter, and even the sunlight streaming in felt warmer, like a gentle embrace. Stretching her arms, she glanced at the clock and noticed a note on the bedside table: "Sorry sweetheart, had to leave really early for work meetings. Will try to be back early." Smiling to herself, Sanju sprang out of bed. Today felt different; everything felt right. She selected a vibrant maroon handloom saree from her closet and decided to pair it with the jhumkas from the surprise gift collection Bhargav had given her. Fastening her braid, she admired her reflection in the mirror, her smile widening.

The day at work was just as vibrant. Sanju's energy was infectious. As she walked into the office, heads turned, and smiles were exchanged. She made her way to Usha's desk, holding out a small container of prasad from her recent trip to Ayodhya. "Ma'am, here's some prasad for you!" Sanju beamed. Usha looked up, eyes twinkling. "Well, well, someone's in a fantastic mood today! What's the secret, Sanju?" Sanju blushed, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink. "Oh, Usha ma'am, stop it! It's just a good day, that's all." "Good day, huh? I think there's more to it," Usha teased, winking at her. Sanju laughed and moved on to Anitha's cabin, her smile never fading. She knocked softly and entered, finding Anitha in a deep discussion with Vishal. "Hi Ma'am, I brought some prasad for you. Am I interrupting?" She handed the container to Anitha and then turned to Vishal, offering him some as well. "Thank you, Sanju. No, you're not disturbing us at all. We were just catching up," Anitha replied, her eyes lighting up. "By the way, you look amazing today! You're positively glowing. And those jhumkas are lovely!" Vishal's gaze lingered on Sanju a moment longer than necessary. "Yes, they suit you," he added, his voice warm. "Those jhumkas — they look perfect on you." Sanju felt a blush creep up her neck again. "Thanks, Vishal sir," she said softly.

As she left the cabin, Vishal watched her go, a thoughtful smile playing on his lips. He was happy to see her so cheerful and couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, Sanju was starting to open up. For now, he decided, being friends would be enough. He made a mental note to discuss transferring back to Anitha's department, just to be closer to her. The day flew by in a whirlwind of meetings and laughter. Sanju's joy was evident, and it overflowed into her painting, making it turn out phenomenal. As the clock struck five, she packed her things, ready to head home.

Later that evening, Bhargav returned home late after a business dinner. As he walked in, he saw Sanju sitting in front of the mirror, lost in thought, her face glowing in the soft light of their bedroom. "Sweetheart, you look stunning," he said, his voice full of admiration. "The jhumkas — they're beautiful on you." Sanju's heart swelled with happiness that he liked to see her wear his secret gift. She turned to face him, her smile radiant. "You noticed," she said softly. "Of course, I did," Bhargav replied, crossing the room to take her hand. "How could I not? You make everything look perfect." Sanju felt a warmth spread through her, not just from his words but from the way he looked at her.

As the night deepened, Sanju and Bhargav found themselves ready for bed, their hearts full and content. The gentle glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm light over the room, creating a cozy cocoon around them. Sanju nestled her head on Bhargav's shoulder, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Bhargav's fingers softly threaded through her hair, sending waves of comfort and love coursing through her. For a while, they sat in peaceful silence, savoring the intimacy of the moment. Bhargav broke the silence with a question that had been on his mind. "Sanju," he began, his voice tender and curious, "What is love to you? What do you mean by loving me?" Sanju lifted her head slightly to look into his eyes, her own eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, then spoke, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

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