Tensions and Resolutions

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Narasimha, gathered Sanju's kundali (birth chart), a crucial step in traditional Indian matchmaking. Accompanied by his wife Lakshmi, he visited their family pundit, a wise man known for his expertise in astrological readings. The priest, upon receiving the kundalis of Sanju and Bhargav, began the complicated process of comparing and analyzing the celestial alignments in their charts. As he dived deeper, his expressions shifted from concentration to surprise, and then to a profound joy. "These charts are extraordinary," he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "It's quite rare to see such a harmonious match. Sanjana's chart shows she embodies the positive energies of Goddess Lakshmi. Her presence in your grandson's life will bring immense wealth, joy, good health, and prosperity not just to him but to your whole family." He continued, his eyes sparkling, "And more importantly, the union of these two souls will be blessed with a love eternal, reminiscent of God Lakshmi Narayana. This is a match that promises to bring positive transformations in all aspects of your grandson's life." The punditji, aware of Bhargav's past and the Kulkarni family's urgency to see him married, glanced at the calendar, thoughtfully considering the auspicious dates. "If you can arrange it, Akshay Tritiya would be the best day for the wedding. It's a day when all good things are said to multiply infinitely. A union on this day would greatly magnify the blessings in their lives." Narasimha and Lakshmi exchanged glances, a mix of elation and apprehension in their eyes. The confirmation from the punditji about the auspiciousness of the match added to their excitement. Yet, the daunting task of convincing Bhargav remained a heavy weight on their hearts. As they left the punditji's place, they discussed the proposed wedding date. Akshay Tritiya was perfect timing for Ashok Rao too, as it provided ample lead time before his surgery. Everything seemed to be aligning perfectly, except for the challenge of bringing Bhargav on board with their plans.

The couple returned home, their minds replaying the punditji's words about the auspiciousness of the proposed match. They knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but they believed the stars were on their side, giving them hope. All that was left was to guide Bhargav towards a future that would bring him great happiness. The Kulkarni home buzzed with excitement and anticipation as Lakshmi and Narasimha shared the news from the family punditji. The entire family, gathered in the living room, listened intently, their faces lighting up with joy at the news of the auspicious match between Bhargav and Sanju. However, the mood in the room shifted significantly as Bhargav made his entrance. Returning from his overseas trip, he carried a relaxed and carefree aura, which starkly contrasted the emotionally charged atmosphere of the household. After freshening up, Bhargav came downstairs, only to be immediately engulfed in conversations about marriage as he greeted his family. Despite each family member's initial strategy to subtly emotionally coerce Bhargav into agreeing to the marriage, the urgency of the impending wedding date, Akshay Tritiya, just two weeks away, didn't afford them the luxury of a gradual approach. Consequently, the family collectively decided to intensify their efforts, opting for a more direct and forceful method to persuade Bhargav into accepting the marriage proposal.

Bhargav's relaxed expression turned to one of irritation. "We're back to this topic again?" he asked, his voice laced with frustration. Narasimha took the lead, his tone serious. "Bhargav, we've found the perfect match for you. Your stars and horoscope's match beautifully." But Bhargav was unmoved. "Stars or no stars, I've told you tatha, I'm not ready for marriage." Lakshmi Ajji, usually the embodiment of patience, slightly raised her voice, a rare occurrence that shocked everyone. "Bhargav, we're doing this for you! Can't you see? It's time you settled down!" Bhargav, feeling ambushed, shot back, "Why can't you all just respect my decision? Why is this so hard to understand?" The room erupted into chaos as each family member tried to convince Bhargav. Voices overlapped, each laden with emotion and urgency. Raghav, usually calm, couldn't contain his frustration. "Anna, you're being stubborn! Think about your future, our family's future!" Krishna and Radha joined in, their voices firm and insistent. "Bhargav, we only want your happiness. Trust us on this." The tension in the room escalated to its peak. Bhargav, sensing himself trapped and overburdened, reached his breaking point and erupted in anger. "That's it! I can't take this relentless pressure anymore. Alright, I'll agree to your choice of bride. But understand this - I won't be involved in any of the preparations. And don't expect me to suddenly become the ideal husband. I'm struggling with my own relationship issues, and I can't promise to be the perfect husband or to love her. Since this marriage is being forced upon me, none of you have the right to meddle in my married life going forward," he declared, his frustration evident in every word. The room was enveloped in a shocked hush following Bhargav's outburst. The family, fully grasping the seriousness of his words, attempted one last plea. "Bhargav, you must meet her at least once. It's important," they urged.

But Bhargav, firm in his resolve and beyond any persuasion, retorted, "I'm not meeting anyone. I'll lay eyes on her for the first time at the altar on our wedding day. Are you satisfied now?" With those final words, he abruptly left the room, leaving everyone in a state of stunned silence. Seizing the opportunity in the midst of this unexpected turn, his grandfather spoke up decisively, "Then be ready for Akshay Tritiya in two weeks. That will be your wedding day." As the door slammed shut behind Bhargav, the family sat in stunned silence, the air heavy with the tension of their heated argument. Despite the drama, they had reached their goal, though not in the way they had hoped. The wedding was planned, but the emotional strain was clear. The road to this marriage, full of drama and resistance, cast a long shadow over the upcoming celebrations.

Author's Note: What are your thoughts on how Bhargav was forced into marriage?

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