The day after the wedding

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The first light of dawn gently filtered through the curtains as Sanju woke up at 4 AM. With the day barely begun, she rose with a quiet energy, choosing a simple saree that whispered of elegance. Her hair, gathered into a neat bun, adorned with jasmine flowers, her hairline partition filled with sindhoor, perfectly captured the essence of her status as a bride newly wed. Descending the stairs, she made her way to the puja room, the only other place in the house she was familiar with. Lakshmi ajji, alongside Radha, were already there, cleaning and arranging for the Sathyanarayana puja, a ritual blessing for the newly wedded couple and a puja marking the end of all the wedding celebrations. They were surprised yet appreciative seeing Sanju up and about so early. Sanju, with her enthusiasm, joined in the preparations, lending her hands to set the space with care. Her artistic touch soon manifested in the form of a beautiful rangoli and gorgeous decorations for the puja. As the arrangements neared completion, Radha, with a glance towards the clock, mentioned, "Sanju, could you please see if Bhargav is awake? And if not, wake him up and remind him to get ready for the puja." Nodding, Sanju retraced her steps back to their room, finding Bhargav asleep. Softly, she inquired, "Ree, are you awake?" Receiving no response, she moved closer to his side of the bed. With a gentle nudge, she whispered, "The preparations for the puja are nearly complete. It's time to start getting ready," her voice a soft murmur that mingled with the peaceful quiet of the early morning.

Bhargav's POV: As I slowly woke up, the room was still, and the bed beside me was empty and cold, indicating that Sanju was awake for a long time now. As I was contemplating if he still had sometime to wake up, I heard the sound of anklets nearby. So I decided to go back to sleep to see what Sanju would do. I hear the soft voice of Sanju trying to wake me up. "Ree, are you awake?" I decided not to respond. Then I smell my recently favorite scent - The smell of jasmine near me. Sanju gently nudges me on my shoulder and I open my eyes to be greeted by her waist, subtly revealed between the folds of her simple cotton saree, a glimpse of skin that sparked an unexpected warmth within me. "Ah! What a delightful vision to open my eyes to. How I wish I could draw her close and have my ways with her. That would indeed be the most perfect beginning to my day"

Author's POV: Sanju, perhaps unaware of the storm she was stirring in Bhargav's heart, waited patiently for his response. In that moment, as he watched her, the realization dawned upon him; her beauty, her essence, was not just in the way she looked but in the tranquility she exuded. He got up from the bed. Acknowledging her reminder with a nod, Bhargav felt a pull, an urge to capture her in his embrace in this moment, to hold onto the feeling of calm that Sanju's mere presence inspired in him. As he descended to join the family for the day's ceremonies, the image of Sanju, surrounded in the soft morning light like a halo, lingered in his mind. As the final chants of the Sathyanarayana story echoed through the halls, Sanju and Bhargav, side by side, completed the puja, marking the culmination of their wedding ceremonies. Together, they offered prasad to the deity, a symbolic gesture of gratitude and blessing, before turning to distribute it among their family members and bowing to all the elders to seek their blessings. Each elder imparted words of blessings, their hands resting upon the heads of the newlyweds in a timeless gesture of love and protection.

Amidst these festivities, the curiosity of the women in the family couldn't be contained. With a blend of mischief and concern, the ladies ushered Sanju away to a more private space, eager to hear the details of her first night as a married woman. Sanju, her shyness enveloping her like a second skin, found herself at a loss for words. The mere thought of discussing anything so intimate, especially under the weight of their expectant gazes, turned her into a tomato all over. Her discomfort was only amplified by the memory of their shared bed space, where they had slept wrapped in their own worlds, yet together — a fact that seemed to intrigue her audience even more. Sanju's inability to meet Bhargav's gaze throughout the morning, silently revealing her bashful state, didn't go unnoticed. The situation was hardly helped by her thoughts of Bhargav for the day. Clad in a dhoti and shawl, the traditional dress did little to conceal his physique, his biceps occasionally making a bold statement through the shawl. For Sanju, every unintentional glance in his direction was a battle, her cheeks adopting a permanent hue of red, making her a blushing mess amidst the celebratory chaos. As the women prodded gently for details, Sanju navigated the conversation, her responses light and deflective, preserving the privacy of their private moments. When they were relentless, Sanju hesitantly began to share the details of her wedding night, her voice barely above a whisper. "He... he didn't try anything," she started, her cheeks a deeper shade of red. "He attempted to hug me, but I reminded him that men and women must maintain a distance of two feet" she added, her honesty painting a vivid picture of innocence and firm boundaries. She then mentioned her confusion about the saree and blouse given to her the previous night. "I don't understand the fuss about the saree and blouse from last night. He seemed... annoyed when he saw my saree," she confessed, perplexed by Bhargav's reaction. The ladies around her exchanged glances, a silent communication passing between them before they struggled to suppress their laughter, fully understanding the situation but finding humor in Bhargav's predicament. Their laughter, though muted, was a blend of empathy and amusement at the naive yet strict adherence to traditional norms Sanju exhibited, contrasted sharply with what might have been expected on such a night. The women of the family encircled Sanju, their conversation a blend of wisdom, shared memories, and playful jests. 

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