Family Comfort and Professional Crisis

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Bhargav and Sanju finally arrived back home after their whirlwind trip to Mumbai. As they stepped into the house, the familiar, warm ambiance enveloped them. Radha and Lakshmi Ajji were waiting eagerly in the living room, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and joy. Radha immediately noticed the subtle changes in Sanju – the glow on her face, the softness in her eyes, and the undeniable aura of contentment surrounding her. Lakshmi Ajji, ever the observant elder, also picked up on the newfound radiance in her granddaughter-in-law. "Welcome back, you two!" Radha exclaimed, her smile widening as she hugged Bhargav and then Sanju. "How was the trip?" "It was wonderful, Ma," Bhargav replied, sharing a knowing look with Sanju. Sanju blushed under the intense scrutiny of Radha and Lakshmi Ajji. They settled into the living room, and Radha and Lakshmi Ajji wasted no time in teasing Sanju. "Sanju, you're glowing like a bride all over again!" Lakshmi Ajji teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yes, Amma you are right. She is glowing," Radha chimed in. "Did something special happen in Mumbai?" Sanju turned red, her cheeks matching the color of a ripe strawberry. She looked down, fidgeting with the edge of her saree, unable to meet their eyes. "Look at her! She's too shy to even speak!" Lakshmi Ajji chuckled, nudging Radha. "Ajji, Ma, please..." Sanju mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. Radha noticed Sanju's discomfort and decided to ease up. She exchanged a meaningful glance with Lakshmi Ajji, and they silently agreed to stop the teasing. "Alright, alright," Radha said, patting Sanju's hand. "We won't tease you anymore. Come with me, Sanju." Radha led Sanju out to the garden and they sat together on the swing. Radha hugged Sanju, giving her a sense of comfort and security.

"Sanju," Radha began softly, "I know this might be overwhelming, but I'm your mother. Daughters share everything with their mothers, and there shouldn't be any secrets between us." Sanju looked at Radha, her eyes still filled with shyness but also trust. "Ma, it's just... it's hard to talk about." Radha smiled warmly, squeezing Sanju's hand. "I understand. Every couple goes through this together. It's natural to feel this way. How was your first experience, dear?" Sanju took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It was... it was beautiful, Ma. He was so gentle and caring. I was really nervous as I did not know anything, but he made me feel safe and loved." Radha's smile widened, her eyes brimming with affection. "I'm so happy to hear that, Sanju. It's important to have that trust and connection. Bhargav loves you very much, and it's clear that you love him too." Sanju nodded, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. "Yes, Ma. I love him so much. He makes me feel complete." Radha hugged Sanju again, stroking her hair gently. "I'm glad you have each other. And remember, you can always come to me with anything. No matter what it is, I'll always be here for you. No need to hesitate or feel shy." Sanju felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She realized how lucky she was to have such a supportive and understanding family. "Thank you, amma. I really needed to hear that."

As they settled back onto the swing, the gentle creaking sound added a rhythmic undertone to their conversation. Radha noticed the curiosity in Sanju's eyes, mixed with the lingering shyness, and decided it was time to have a more open discussion. "Sanju, it's completely normal to have questions about intimacy," Radha began softly. "It's a part of married life, and there's nothing to be ashamed of." Sanju looked up, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "Ma, I... I don't know much about it. A few days ago I did not even know such things existed. There are so many things I don't understand." Radha smiled warmly, giving Sanju's hand a reassuring squeeze. "That's perfectly alright, dear. Everyone starts out feeling that way. What would you like to know?" Sanju hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't know if this is normal, but... when he touches me, I feel this warmth and... desire. Is that how it's supposed to be?" Radha nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, dear. What you're feeling is very normal. Intimacy between a husband and wife is meant to be a shared experience of love and desire. It's a way to connect on a deeper level." Sanju bit her lip, her curiosity growing. "And... what about men? How do they feel about intimacy?" Radha chuckled softly, her tone gentle and reassuring. "Men also feel desire, just like women. But they might express it differently. It's important to communicate with Bhargav, to understand each other's needs and feelings. That way, you can both enjoy and grow in your intimate moments." Sanju nodded slowly, absorbing Radha's words. "But Ma, how do I know if I'm doing things right? I don't want to disappoint him."

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