Vijay clears Bhargav's misunderstandings

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Bhargav's POV:

In the penthouse, Bhargav recounts everything, starting from the moment he first overheard his parents discussing the matter that Sanju agreed to the marriage for money up until the present day where she was stalking him for 5 lakhs. Vijay, taken aback by the extent of the events, misunderstandings, expresses his surprise at being unaware of the Bhargav's thoughts despite being his best friend.

Vijay starts responding to each instance that Bhargav misunderstood. "You must've misunderstood your parents' conversation about Sanju. It's not like her at all. Aside from the mangalsutra, she didn't even agree to getting any jewelry or sarees for the wedding. Radha aunty had to literally scare her into buying those" Noticing Bhargav's doubt, Vijay makes a decision to call Ragini, switching the call to speaker mode while signaling Bhargav to keep quiet. "Ragini, can you tell me about Sanju's approach to money?" Ragini, puzzled by the timing of the question, chides him, "Vijay, are you serious right now? Why are you asking me this?" Vijay persists, "Just humor me for a second. Could you recount any experiences you've had with Sanju involving money or spending?" As Ragini recounts her experiences, Bhargav listens intently, ending up astonished at the simplicity and frugality of Sanju's financial habits. Bhargav is still not completely convinced.

Vijay questions, "Have you ever looked at Sanju's phone? Actually, there's an effective method to understand her better. Purchase the newest iPhone model and present it to her as a gift this evening. Observe how she responds, and you'll realize Sanju doesn't take even a penny from anyone unless it's absolutely essential. The money she requested from you, I suspect, is intended for her grandfather's surgery costs. You can easily verify this with your dad."

Bhargav wastes no time and dials his father. "Appa, do we have a date for Ashok Tatha's surgery? And what's the cost looking like?" Krishna responds, "Assuming the preliminary tests are clear, we're looking at the next week or the week after for the surgery. The expenses should be in the range of 4 to 5 lakhs. But why the concern about costs? As I have already told you, I've got it covered at no charge." Bhargav, curious, asks, "Is Sanju aware of this arrangement?"

With a light laugh, Krishna says, "Oh, no way. If I were to tell Sanju, she'd never ever accept it. She's the most non-materialistic individual I've encountered. So, we've agreed to keep her in the dark about this arrangement. And you should too. We'll inform her that the costs will be determined after the surgery. This way, she won't be able to pay the bills in advance. After he's recovered and back home, we'll simply tell her there were no charges involved. Like that, she'll have no option to decline."

Bhargav feels a deep sense of shame and anger on himself for how he misunderstood her. Eager to clear all lingering doubts, Bhargav decides to reach out to Raghav for one last clarification. He dials Raghav's number, needing to understand why Sanju had chosen to ride in such an expensive car to her class.

Raghav picks up and explains the whole situation. "Listen, anna, the evening prior to the day you saw her in my car, she was molested on the street on her way back from her class. She was in a really bad state. I saw the whole thing. Despite that, she refused to accept help. I had to coerce her into letting me drive her to and from her class, threatening to inform the family of the harassment incident otherwise. She didn't want to cause them any undue worry or stress, so she hesitatingly agreed." He continues, "The choice of the luxury car was my idea, actually. I noticed how much she admired your car the previous day, and I thought being my dearest vaini, she deserved to ride in a luxury car. You won't believe it, but the first time she ever rode in a car was when Ajji took her out for wedding shopping."

With his mind at ease from the clarifications, Bhargav turns to Vijay and questions him, "How did you end up hiring her? From everything I've heard about Sanju, she doesn't seem like someone who'd take a shortcut into the company." Vijay responds by sharing the art portfolio that Ajji had handed to him. "You were right when you told Sanju that our company hires only the top talent in the country. Take a look at this," he says, showing him the images. "And you know the large mural of the village in the design department? That's Sanju's work, completed in just a week. It's now being used in our new game's marketing materials." Bhargav is totally impressed with Sanju's talent in art. 

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