Bhargav's Rage on Sanju

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At this stage, Sanju and Bhargav have established a consistent daily routine. Sanju rises early to perform her puja, then prepares coffee or tea for Ajji and Radha. She spends time at Lalbagh to capture the beauty of Lalbagh through her paintings from various angles when her tatha is in his laughter club. After returning home and getting ready, she has breakfast, packs lunches made by the cook for the entire family, and heads off to work. In the evening, she assists with dinner preparations, enjoys her meal, and turns in early. Journaling is a cherished part of her day, where she confides her deepest thoughts and experiences to her Lord Shri Ram, treating it as a sacred conversation with the divine.

Bhargav also rises early, cherishing his "morning miracle" routine. This sacred time is dedicated to exercising, meditating, visualizing, reading inspirational books, and journaling his reflections. Following this rejuvenating start, he takes a shower and engages in his morning Puja, further grounding his day in mindfulness. After enjoying breakfast, he heads off to work. On three days each week, he meets with his personal trainer in his penthouse for a workout session. Returning home, Bhargav values the time spent reconnecting with his family, sharing details of his workday, hearing about theirs, and then gathering for dinner before retiring for the night.

It has been 2 days since Sanju reported to work in AI works after completing her training. On Wednesday afternoon, Sanju requests early leave from Usha because she needs to accompany her Tatha to the hospital. Following the consultation and tests prescribed by her father-in-law, it's determined that further tests are needed before a potential surgery in the next couple of weeks. With the hospital bustling with patients, Sanju keeps her visit brief. She then inquires with the billing department about the costs associated with the pre-surgery tests and the overall expenses for the bypass surgery. Discovering that the costs might reach up to 5 lakhs, depending on the surgical approach recommended, Sanju is faced with a financial dilemma. She has just saved 50K rupees from her stipend during her training period. Having never broached the topic of finances with her in-laws, she's reluctant to impose the burden of surgery costs on them. On her way back home, she contemplates borrowing the needed amount from somewhere, with plans to repay it over time.

Sanju visits the bank that handles her stipend deposits to inquire about the possibility of securing a personal loan for 5 lakhs. The bank reviews her financial history and, noting her recent entry into the workforce, her young age and the lack of any assets in her name, they decline her loan request. This scenario repeats itself at several other banks she approaches, each one turning down her application for the same reasons. She goes back home tired and dejected. Sanju thinks from whom she can borrow money as her only friend Shruthi is not in a financial good position to loan her 5 lakhs. She does not feel good to get gold loan using the jewelry her in laws gifted her for the wedding. She feels uncomfortable to ask Vijay for help as he has already helped her with giving her a job and training. With no alternatives left, Sanju is compelled to ask Bhargav for the money she requires. 

Meanwhile, Bhargav comes back home, exhausted after a strenuous day at work, his frustration compounded by the challenging quest for an ideal creative director—a role still vacant not just because of a shortage of qualified candidates, but also because of applicants more focused on attempting to seduce him than on the job itself.

Sanju paced back and forth across the room, lost in her thoughts and worries. Unknown to her, Bhargav entered, observing her restlessness with growing concern." What's going on, Sanju?" Bhargav finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with unease at her evident distress. Caught in the grip of her anxiety over her grandfather's surgery and lack of funds for the  surgery, Sanju turned to him, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Ree, I need a favor. Could you please lend me 5 lakh rupees? I promise to pay you back every month."

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