Surprises and Sacrifices

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Next morning Bhargav stood at Vijay's doorstep, fidgeting with a small notebook in his hand. The door swung open, and Vijay's face lit up with a wide grin as he saw his best friend. "What a pleasant surprise Bhargav! Come in!" Vijay exclaimed, pulling him into a warm embrace. "What's the occasion? Its been ages since you came home. You look like you have something important to share." Bhargav returned the hug with a smile, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Vijay, I need your help. Sanju's birthday is coming up, and I want to make it unforgettable." Vijay's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I knew you'd come through! What's the plan?"

Bhargav unfolded his plan, detailing the surprise party he wanted to throw for Sanju, complete with her favorite foods, decorations, and a guest list of close friends and family. Vijay listened intently, nodding along. "This is fantastic, Bhargav. She's going to love it! I can't wait to see her face when she walks in. You've really outdone yourself this time." Bhargav smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I just want her to feel special. She deserves it. But we need to keep it a secret from her." Vijay laughed, clapping Bhargav on the back. "Don't worry, Bhargav. Your secret is safe with me. And I'll make sure everyone else is on board too. Sanju won't suspect a thing."

In the evening, after Bhargav discussed Sanju's birthday plans with Vijay, they returned home while Sanju was at her self-defense class. Bhargav and Vijay gathered the family in the living room. Bhargav, his eyes shining with excitement, began,  "Everyone, I have an idea for Sanju's birthday. I was thinking of taking her to Ayodhya." Ashok Tatha's face clouded with concern as he responded, "Bhargav, you do know that January 22nd is a special day in Ayodhya. Due to Pranpratishta only invitees are allowed to visit." Narasimha exchanged a knowing smile with Krishna before replying, "Yes, Ashok, we are aware." With a calm confidence, he nodded at Krishna, who went to his study and returned with a beautifully ornate envelope. Krishna handed it to Ashok Tatha with a gentle reverence. "We received this invitation recently," Krishna explained softly. Ashok Tatha, his hands trembling as he held the envelope, looked up with wide, teary eyes. "How did you get such a precious invitation?" he asked, his voice choked with emotion. Vijay stepped forward, his voice filled with pride and humility, "Tatha, Krishna uncle made an offer from Krishna Hrudayalaya - free heart surgeries to the workers and their families involved in the construction of the Ram Mandir. As a token of appreciation for their contribution, they sent this invite to the entire family."

Ashok Tatha's eyes brimmed with tears, his voice barely a whisper, "This is incredible. Your generosity and humility always amaze me." He gazed around at his family, his heart swelling with gratitude and love.  He thought "Lord Shri Ram bless this family, keep them all safe, happy, healthy, and protected always. Thank you for blessing me and Sanju to be a part of this wonderful family." Narasimha, moved by the emotion of the moment, placed a comforting hand on Ashok Tatha's shoulder. Bhargav, his heart full of joy, added with a smile, "So, it's decided. We'll give Sanju the birthday surprise of a lifetime." As Bhargav went to bed that night, he felt a sense of satisfaction. Everything was falling into place. Little did he know, a different kind of surprise was already in motion.

The next morning at the office, Sanju arrived at her desk to find a neatly wrapped gift waiting for her. She picked it up, her eyebrows raising in surprise. The tag simply read, "To Sanju, with love." Curious, she unwrapped it to find a beautiful, handcrafted art portfolio. It was exactly the kind she loved—thick, creamy pages bound in soft leather. She smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Who could have sent this?" she wondered aloud, glancing around the office. There was no note, no indication of who the sender might be. As the day went on, she couldn't shake the feeling that Bhargav was behind the gift. After all, hadn't he just said, "You know, every day with you feels like a gift, Sanju"? It seemed like the kind of romantic gesture he would make. However, when she saw him that evening, she chose not to bring it up. She was curious to see what other surprises he had planned and to understand why he had suddenly started surprising her.

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