Embracing New Horizons - Sanju

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Vijay Desai sat in his spacious office, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the array of family photos on his desk. He picked up his phone, hesitating for a moment before dialing Lakshmi Ajji's number. He needed to talk about Sanjana, the girl with incredible artistic talent. "Namaste, Ajji," Vijay greeted as Lakshmi answered. After exchanging pleasantries, Vijay brought up the topic of hiring Sanjana. "Ajji, I was hoping to get more details about Sanjana. I want to talk to her in person today and get her offer letter rolled out if she is interested in it." Lakshmi's voice brightened. "Vijay, I'm so glad you called. Sanju is staying at the Abhaya Hasta orphanage with her grandfather. I will inform her that you will be meeting her today." With the details in hand, Vijay felt a surge of excitement. He could already envision how Sanju's creativity could bring a fresh perspective to their game project. Later that day, Vijay visited the orphanage. He found Sanju teaching a group of children, her face alight with passion and kindness. As the class ended, he approached her. He was surprised to see that she was the girl who helped soothe his son in the hospital a few days back. 

Vijay greeted her. Sanju was surprised to see him here. As they started to talk, Vijay broached the topic gently, mentioning how he had seen her art portfolio through Lakshmi Ajji and was impressed. "Sanju, we have a game project coming up, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining our team for it." Sanju's eyes sparkled with excitement, a feeling she hadn't quite expected. "A game project? For me? But I've never done anything like that before," she responded, her voice tinged with a blend of nervousness and disappointment. "Yes, Sanju," Vijay said reassuringly. "Your artistic talent really stands out, and we think you could add something special to our project. Don't worry about training; we'll guide you through everything you need to know." Sanju's initial excitement, however, quickly turned to apprehension. She hesitated before sharing her concerns, "Anna, I'm really grateful, but... my English isn't strong. I can barely read and write basic English, but speaking... well, it's quite broken. And I've never really used a computer. I don't think I can take you up on your offer." Vijay smiled, his confidence unshaken. "Sanju, your talent in art is what we need. As for English and computer skills, everyone starts somewhere. We don't expect you to be perfect from the start. We have training programs and language courses, and we're prepared to support you every step of the way." Seeing her uncertainty linger, Vijay added, "Think of it as a new canvas, Sanju. Just like art, you'll learn, adapt, and grow. We believe in you, not just for your skills, but for your willingness to learn and your determination." Sanju listened, absorbing his words. The fear of stepping into unknown territory was evident, but so was the excitement of new possibilities. Vijay's assurance and the promise of support lit a new spark within her. It was a scary path, but one that she now felt ready to take on.

The conversation shifted to the specifics of the job – the creative freedom she would have, the support for her training as and when needed, and the opportunity to grow as an artist. With ajji's insights, Vijay understood Sanju's strong sense of self-respect and her reluctance to accept unearned assistance. With this in mind, he crafted a plan to bring her on as an intern, offering a respectable stipend. This approach would not only respect her dignity but also allow her to showcase her talent, paving the way for a permanent role. His encounter with Sanju at the hospital had sparked a sense of fraternal protectiveness in him, and learning about her life further fueled his desire to support her.

As Sanju nodded in agreement to the job, she felt grateful to Vijay and Lakshmi ajji. She saw this chance as a blessing from Lord Shri Ram. Vijay outlined the terms of her internship, offering her a monthly stipend of 25,000 Rs during her initial period, with prospects of a revised salary upon her eventual confirmation. Emotions swelled within Sanju, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes as she struggled to contain her excitement. Vijay, witnessing the radiant joy and steadfast determination on her face, felt a deep sense of validation in his decision to hire her and the way in which he decided to hire her. He gently instructed her to report to the office reception at 9 AM the following Monday and exchanged contact details with her, ensuring she had support whenever needed.

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