New Beginnings and Empowered Steps

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Anitha's arrival at the company was a welcome change for Bhargav and Vijay, who swiftly brought the creative team under her domain. With Usha overseeing the transition, it was clear from the outset that Anitha commanded respect and no one dared to cross her. Her leadership was firm and assertive yet innovative, and she quickly made her mark as a force to be reckoned with. Yet, amidst her quick strides in organizing the team, Sanju became a point of curiosity for her.

Sanju's exceptional art had caught Anitha's eye, but her frequent absences under the guise of extended training raised questions. When Anitha sought answers, Usha remained tight-lipped, adhering to Vijay's instructions not to divulge Sanju's personal details. "It's just a unique situation. Sanju's contributions are invaluable, and we accommodate her training needs accordingly," Usha explained, tactfully dodging a direct answer.

Meanwhile, Bhargav found relief in Anitha's alignment with his vision, especially concerning the new game concept. They spent hours discussing strategies, aesthetics, and narratives, with Anitha's enthusiasm and understanding of Bhargav's vision cementing her position as the creative director he had long sought. Anitha left the meeting thoroughly impressed, not just with the project but with Bhargav's passion, clarity, understanding, personality and looks.

As Friday rolled around, Bhargav decided it was time to introduce Sanju to his personal trainer, Vasu, for self-defense lessons. He took her to the penthouse where Vasu was waiting for Bhargav. "Vasu, meet Sanjana, my wife. I want her to learn self-defense, to ensure she can be physically stronger and protect herself if there is a need" Bhargav said, introducing them. Sanju, dressed in a saree, wasn't exactly prepared for a physical training session. "It's nice to meet you, Vasu anna." she said, a hint of embarrassment in her voice realizing she was not dressed appropriately.

"Nice to meet you. Let us start the classes from Monday. I will test your physical strength and endurance first and then start the lessons. It'll give you some time to get ready, and we can plan the sessions to make you as comfortable as possible," Vasu assured her. Sensitive to her hesitation around men, to create a supportive environment, Vasu suggested, "Let's do this — Bhargav can act as the 'perpetrator,' and you'll learn to defend against him. It might feel more comfortable starting with someone you trust." Sanju nodded, appreciating the thoughtful approach. The talk ended with plans set for Monday. Bhargav took Sanju's hand, leading her to Lalbagh for a serene walk. Their hands intertwined, the tranquility of the garden enveloped them.

Back home, Sanju and Bhargav went to check on Ashok tatha. His recovery after the surgery progressed remarkably well. The constant presence of the male nurse, available around the clock, eased the burden of caregiving for Sanju. Bhargav, always proactive, arranged for a nutritionist to plan tatha's meals for the next month, meticulously following the doctor's recommendations. The household cook diligently prepared these specialized meals, allowing Sanju to spend quality time with tatha instead of being consumed by caretaking duties. Tatha remained mostly in his room as he was not cleared for physical exercises yet, and Sanju would join him there as she worked. Narasimha and Lakshmi, also took turns keeping him company.

As Bhargav and Sanju had dinner with the family, they retired in the bedroom to sleep. Their routine of nightly embraces had become a cherished part of their lives, with both finding solace and comfort in each other's arms. The trust and closeness between them deepened with each passing night.

On Saturday morning, Bhargav surprised Sanju by taking her to Rangoli Gardens. Amidst the exhibits of village lifestyle, he broached the topic of her future. Sanju, feeling a sense of relief now that tatha was well cared for, confided in Bhargav.

"I've decided to return to the office," Sanju began. "Tatha's recovery has been smoother than I anticipated, and I believe it's time." Bhargav nodded, understanding her need to resume her work. But then Sanju surprised him further. "And there's something else," she continued. "I want to pursue a correspondence course for my arts degree." Bhargav raised an eyebrow. "Why not go to college in person? What are your reasons to work and study at the same time?"

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