Ruby and Sapphire

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Rose was studying new information that just came in about Home World when Ruby and Sapphire walked in.

"Rose?" Ruby asked. Rose turned around.


"We have something to show you." Sapphire said. Rose nodded, waiting for them to show her. Ruby smiled and picked Sapphire up, quiet easily, surprising Sapphire and making her laugh. A light filled the room and a tall gem was standing in front of Rose.

"Rose, we're deciding to stay as a fusion. We're Garnet now." the new gem said. Rose smiled and walked up to Garnet.

"Garnet. You are not two gems, and you are not one gem. You are an experience. Make sure it's a good experience. Now. Go. Have. Fun!" Rose said. Garnet smiled and ran out of the room. Rose smiled.

"That's my fusion."

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