Smoky Quartz

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"They say two wrongs don't make a right. I guess I'm living proof that's true!"

"I'm just one big, super-wrong, good-for-nothing dud with a  yo-yo."


Okay so those two quotes up there are literally so important. I always thought that Amethyst had insecurity problems, but never really Steven, but after rewatching a few episodes, and I noticed little things. Like when Connie and Greg were saying that they were both humans, Steven grabs his shirt around his stomach.

It almost looks like he's doubting his humanity, doesn't it?

Well, with the two of them fused, it seemed a little more obvious. And it's so sad that it's like that, because with the other fusions, even with Malachite, they were all symmetrical, which at least they means that they're somewhat compatible, but Smoky Quartz has this random arm, which seems really strange.

I feel like the two of them have problems that they have to sort out.


I would get deeper, but it would be really sad/angst and stuff.

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