I'm writing this right before I sleep I swear if this ends up being a crackfic

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Lapis kept screaming at the top of her lungs and the only thing that was stifling it was the fact that she was also crying at the same time, making some short breaks between shrieks for breathing. It only made it worse to Peridot, who had no clue what to do, and the sound was terrifying. The screaming, then a deep shuddering gasp of air that sounded so panicked it made the screaming sound like a kitten's purr.

God, Peridot wished she knew what was going on. But she didn't.

And it really looked like Lapis might just die here. She was pressing both of her hands against her temples so hard that it looked like she was either trying to block out the noises of her own screams or trying to crush her head. Both sounded equally terrible. Her entire body had somehow curled up into a tiny ball, and she had backed into a corner. It was still early in the morning, and Peridot had been a little tired when she woke up. She was anything but that now.

"Lapis! Lapis!" It didn't seem to help, but it didn't make anything worse. Peridot couldn't think of anything smart to say, or anything at all in fact. Just Lapis's name. Lapis had no positive reaction to her name being shouted.

The screaming was horrible.

"Lapis! Snap out of it!" Peridot said, tightly holding onto Lapis's forearms, trying to pry them away from her head before she hurt herself.

This did something.

Lapis screamed even louder, and flung Peridot to the other side of the barn, and she hit the wall. Hard. It didn't hurt so much as it shocked Peridot that Lapis could throw her in this condition, plus the distance. It was amazing. And it hurt.

Peridot instinctively ran back to Lapis, but regretted it. There was something wrong...with her back. It was a dull sort of ache, and hurt and wouldn't go away. It was stubbornly causing more and more pain, and soon Peridot tripped. She had no clue that she was even moving anymore, but apparently she had been.

She must have yelled or cried out in some way, because all of a sudden, Lapis was there, with tired eyes, and shaking hands, but there nonetheless. Holding Peridot's hand and whispering "It's okay. 'M sorry. It's okay. 'M sorry." over and over until the two sentences had blurred together and held no more grammatical meaning. It was just something inside of Peridot and Lapis's mind. It's okay. 'M sorry.

Peridot didn't know that gems could cry. She certainly had no clue that she could cry. But when she felt warm, salty tears trail down her face, she looked up and saw that Lapis was too far away for her tears to land on her face, and it certainly wasn't raining indoors. She would have heard the raindrops.

She was crying.

For whatever reason, she didn't know. She wasn't in any major pain, but there was still a sort of throbbing that would heal in a few days, but that was nothing to cry over. She wasn't sad, but more worried over anything. Did people cry when they were worried? Did gems cry when they were worried?

Peridot felt like she could test it, but she was testing it right now. She was crying. and it was very obvious.

Lapis was still blubbering the two sentences over and over, although it was impossible to tell them apart at this point- the two sentences had mixed so much that it was nothing more than a one long sob.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." Peridot repeated Lapis's words, taking out the sentence about being sorry. There was nothing to apologize for in situations like this. Lapis had no idea what she was doing while in that condition, and Peridot wasn't sorry about trying to help Lapis, even though she would have back pains for the rest of the week perhaps. There was nothing to be sorry about.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." Peridot said, each time with growing strength. Lapis was so tired and scared and....crying. She had gone silent since the screaming had certainly done its damage on her vocal chords. Peridot had to say it loud enough for the two of them.

"It's okay." Peridot opened her arms out for a hug, and Lapis collapsed into it, with her head on Peridot's shoulder, she cried all over again, muttering snippets of sentences, never completing a entire thought. Peridot felt a little out of place here, since she was much smaller than Lapis, and it caused a little bit of difficulty since Lapis was much bigger than her. Only the top of half was in contact with Peridot, her arms wrapped around Peridot's torso, and her chest against Peridot's stomach. She legs were stretched out behind her, and Peridot just hugged the top half of her. That's the best she could do at the moment.

"It's okay. We'll be okay. We're safe. We're fine."

Lapis could only nod in half hearted agreement.


I literally wrote this in ten minutes, I'm so tired and emotionally drained because I read  four new books and my favorite character is so sad and hurt.

Plus I thought I might write something funny, but right before I wrote this, I shuddered and this just kinda happened.




They cause stuff like this to happen. Angst. Never shudder kids. It was weird, it was just one of those random shudders that hit you from no where.

But because of that shudder, a lot of people are sad now. Including me.

I love you guys. <3

PS: Don't hate me because of the angst. Hate the shudder homie.

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