Entering: Phase 00- Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel

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Prelude: hymmne fountaina akata*

Long ago, it was said that Songs had unique powers that transcended beyond what people once believed. Songs had the power to heal the sick and cure diseases, build the beauty of nature, and even the power to create new lands and sanctuaries all throughout the world. People would cherish the gifts Songs made and carried these beliefs for millennia.

Unfortunately, these beliefs would eventually disappear. The people began to hunger for the power of Songs, wanting to use them for themselves and their selfish desires. This in turn led to endless conflicts amongst the people; those who wanted to use Songs to help others versus those who wanted to gain God-like powers and rule over all. And soon, this conflict swallowed the world whole in inky black, drowning everyone into a grand reset.

Many years have passed since then. Life in the new world had changed, evolved into a newer, twisted lifestyle different from the world of the past.

And as for Songs…well, they too have vanished from the world. The people have long forgotten how to sing…

~Twisted Tonelico~

Book Prologue: ->Entering: Phase 00- Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel

Darkness, as far as the eye can see. That is all a young woman was able to see, and yet she is unsure how even ended up in this dark void. Every head turn just showed more of the vast darkness before her. Fear and anxiety filled her heart. Where am I, she wondered.

As soon as she began to panic, a strange object glowed in her peripheral vision. She turned in the direction of the mysterious object. The object: a mirror with an eerie, greenish glow. It startled the woman for a moment before she drifted closer to it. As she drew closer, the woman began to hear someone speak. As though this person seems to be talking to someone, talking to her.

“Ah…my dear beloved…”

The young woman was surprised by this. “Dearly beloved…? Me…? Who are you…?”

The voice continued. “A lovely… and noble flower of evil… Truly you are the most beautiful of all…”

The woman couldn’t help but be flustered by the voice’s compliments. However; her, evil… that’s ridiculous. There is no way she exists to be evil, right?

“Mirror, Oh magic mirror on the wall… Tell me…Who is the…”

As she grew closer to the ominous mirror, its reflection began to glow and ripple like a water’s surface showing her a dark…castle? Horses are pulling a strange cart? Am I in this weird vehicle? Nothing was making any sense to her right now.

“Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror…As long as your heart desires…Take the hand that appears in the mirror…”

Suddenly, a hand appeared before her in the mirror, reaching out for her to take. The woman hesitated, not sure who or what lies beyond the mirror, and why they wanted her. She reached forward, touching the mirror and pulled back when she saw it go through like water. The owner of the hand looked to reach out a bit, as if begging her for help, to not leave them alone.

The voice spoke one last time, “For me, for them, for you. We are all running out of time…” They sounded like they were in pain. And it squeezed her heart, as if she too felt their pain.

Stealing her resolve, the young woman reached out to the hand again, and held it with hers. She felt herself being pulled into the mirror, and almost into the embrace for the figure before her. Once she went through the mirror, her consciousness began to fade. The last thing she saw were eyes that glowed like stars in the night sky, and the person before whispering: “No matter what…Never let go of my hand.”

~Entering: Phase 00- Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel*~

When the young woman woke up again, she awoke to darkness again. However it was different; she felt like she was inside a small box. She can move her arms but not much. And the object in front of her (a door?) wasn’t budging either. Where am I?! She panicked. The woman kept pushing and pushing as her anxiety increased. In a last ditch effort to break out of her box, she called upon a small ball of light to blow away the door. “Please work, please work, please work!” she chanted. Enough light gathered, she blasted the door-as well the rest of the box- open!

To witness a sight she did expect to see at all…

Countless people donned in purplish-black robes, a tall peculiar man wearing a bird masked and odd top hat, a foreboding mirror next to her and… coffins. Many coffins surrounded the platform she found her on, and, as she turned her to see, was in herself (though hers is a pile of planks and splinter debris).

All eyes were on her. Shock, confusion, and awe decorated the faces of the hooded crowd and masked man. No one has ever stepped out of their coffin before their name is called before. And that explosion…was it this child’s doing? The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves at what they just witnessed. ‘What happened? Did that kid walk out of his coffin on his own? Walked!? HE LITERALLY BLEW IT UP!!’ They were so baffled; the talks almost overtook the ceremony, if the masked man didn’t speak up first.

“Excuse me, but why did you do that?” The bird man questioned the confused girl.

His question caught her off guard. “Huh?”

“Why did you,” he cleared his throat. “Step out of your coffin so soon?”

Oh… she blushed. Feeling embarrassed by such a simple question. Then again, she did make a scene blowing up her coffin.  “I-I just was confused. About where I was…?”

The man pondered her answer. “Why, you’re in Night Raven College. One of the most prestigious, arcane schools in all of Twisted Wonderland! Surely you are familiar with the name, my child?”

Twisted Wonderland? Never heard of that realm in Ar Tonelico before. She thought.

“My name is Dire Crowley. And I am the current Headmage of this esteemed college.”

“Dire Crowley…”

“Anyhow, since you are out of your coffin, young sir-”

‘Wait sir-’

“Step forward to the Dark Mirror to have yourself assigned to your dorm.”

Dorm!? The man was in such a haste, he pulled up the girl to her feet and ushered her to face the floating mirror.

It was a peculiar artifact, one she never saw before. A face began to appear in a shroud of green flames, wearing a formal, intricate mask. It felt as though it was staring down at her soul. Perhaps it was…

“STATE THY NAME!” the mirror bellowed. Its voice shook the young woman to the core.

Calming her nerves, the girl said. “Meryu. Meryu Melenas.”

“…Meryu Melenas. The nature of your soul-” The mirror halted its speech. Peering deeper into the girl- Meryu’s- being. It lasted for a few seconds before it gave its verdict.

“-Is unclear to me.”

The crowd was awestruck again. Crowley spoke back to the mirror, “Is that so?”

“I sense magic once lost to this world. Magic that transcends beyond the limits of this world. Magic that will bring ruin- or rejuvenation. Therefore, NO DORM SHALL FIT THEM!!”

The hooded crowd was baffled again; this time by the mirror’s judgement. What type of person has ‘other-worldly’ magic, but ISN’T fitting for any Dorm?!?!?!? They gossiped amongst themselves, while Meryu bowed her head in shame.

The Dire was beside himself. “I don’t believe it. This has never happened before. A young man with potential is considered NOT worthy of Night Raven College?!”

Meryu wanted to correct him, but her remark and the commotion was halted by another voice.


Suddenly one of the windows shattered, an intruder appeared on the scene.

~Phase 00: Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel -Tes biron**~

Hymmnos Key(Warning! These are loose translations):

*hymmne fountaina akata: A song of a buried tale, or this case ‘The story of a long, forgotten melody’

**Zenva ryushe tes gyas gyenel ciel: “Transcend on a journey into the World of Evil Wizards”, or basically “Welcome to the Villains' World”

***tes brion: to be continued

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