Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 4)

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~Twisted Tonelico~

It was late in the evening. Azul, Vil, and Kalim were making their way to the Hall of Mirrors from the Mirror Chamber. They were talking amongst themselves bits of the news before going their separate ways.

"I must say that the new Professor is quite...unique." Azul said.

Vil did not agree with his fellow Housewarden. "Unique? I find them to be prudish. A doctor wearing such ruggish clothes? They should truly be mindful of their appearance."

"I think they're cool," Kalim added. "It is odd that Headmage Crowley hired them kinda late into the school year. But you know what they say, the more the merrier!"

While the meeting for the Magishift Tournament had come to an end, the bizarre surprise they got at the end meeting the school's newest Teacher truly made the meeting interesting to say the least.



Idia could not believe what he witnessed through his tablet camera! He did not expect to see the Mad Doctor here at his school, acting all chummy in the Mirror Chamber.

"Nice to meet you, too, Shroud."

"Pardon my rudeness, my good fellow. I've nearly forgotten to introduce you to them. Better late than never...." Crowley corrected himself. "As of today going forward, I have hired a professional psychologist who will act as a Counselor for Night Raven College. I have already welcomed some students to meet them in advance."

"The name's Marmalade. DOCTOR Marmalade."

This caught the interest of everyone else in the room. "You know this guy, Radish Sprout?" Leona questioned him.

"Of course he does. Me and the wallflower parents go way back." Marmalade casually walked over and leaned a hand on the round table.

Vil couldn't believe what he was hearing. A Doctor? Wearing that outfit? "Surely you jest?"

"Nope. And don't worry your pretty little heads, I don't bite. Can't promise the same for Gamma."

"I barely eat meat." The aforementioned robot counter argued. "Too rough and gamy for me."


"Ahem. I can assure you all that Marmalade's presence will benefit our students for the foreseeable future." Crowley stated with gusto. "They also are willing to offer special classes for other students as well."

Riddle felt off, noticing how the new hire was looking him. As if they knew something he doesn't. "Is that so?"

"Indeed. By the way, Rosehearts, I hope you don't mind that I already snagged some of your dorm's students for my class."

He was shocked by the confession. "So soon!?"

"AND I expect to meet with you in the upcoming days."


Leona feigned disinterest, ready to leave the meeting room. "Is that all, Crowley? We got places to be, remember?"

"Actually, I do have one thing." They crossed their arms and gave everyone a pointed look.

"Other than you short attention spanned egoists forgetting your fellow Dragon Fae friend, why wasn't Meryu Melenas brought here? And if so, tell me where is she taking residence?"

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