Interlude 05-Book 02: Diasee oz Shazra en Revm(The Prince of Briar Valley)

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Synopsis: The Prince and his retinue meet with the rumoured Doctor at last during their respite. (Our boy spills a little secret, and Diasomnia finally meets Marmalade.)

A/N: This encounter happens roughly after Trey's incident and Silver talking to Riddle in the Equestrian Club.

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: Diasomnia Dorm~

Three individuals were seated in the Main Lounge of their dorm, Diasomnia. Each of them wore the designated outfit for their dorm. The outfit was half green-half black, with a military-like hat that cured backwards in the form of dragon horns. The lining of the hat was green while the rest of it was all black. They wore belts , clipped on them were spolls of white yarn to pop out from the black. Finishing off the ensemble was black boots with a green tipped heel.

The room was slightly gloomy, designed from something out of a Transylvanian architecture, but rather dark black walls, they were white/ periwinkle. Many candelabra poles surrounded the stairs up to a green, cushioned throne. All of the furniture sans the tables were black rested on top of uniquely patterned carpets. At each table were small candle holders all aflame. They sat around a brown, circular table with a lone wick candle; flame burning green.

These were a unique trio that stood out from their peers of the dorm of the Thorn Fairy. The youngest of them had his hair slick back, some of the strands looking like mini lightning bolts. The shortest one was a familiar face; however his outfit of choice was almost reminiscent of his school uniform. The jacket was baggy, hanging off his biceps. A white blouse top with overalls holding it in place. He wore purple leggings that had intricate designs of black roses on the sides that went up to a mesh skirt and shorts. Rather than the military styled boots the other wore, his were knee high and slim looking at the heel. And lastly, the tallest of the pair stood out the most. From his long ebony-marine blue locks to his sharp green eyes, and the cherry on top: a pair of curved, black horns adorn on his head.

These were Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, and last but not least Malleus Draconia.

The latter of the three appeared to be lost in thought from their current conversation regarding the incidents going on at school. "Malleus, what troubles you? Are you still upset about missing the meeting yesterday?" Lilia asked.


"Whatever is troubling you, Waka-sama, fear not!" Sebek shouted. "I swear that no harm shall come to you or Lilia-sama! That said, the nerve of those humans not inviting you to such an important meeting."

"...Hmm? My apologies. It is not that at all, Sebek." The Housewarden explained.

The vice warden had a feeling what was ailing his ward. "Oya~ Is it perhaps about your Mysterious Siren you told me about?"


"Her voice resonates with me. I cannot explain it, but her melodies are the most comforting songs I've heard." He said with a forlorn look. "Though I've also heard some odd phrases used in the same melody."

"Like what?"

"Was zweie ra enegd corpu hyzik yor. Ieeya cremia afezeria tes yor, sor wearequewie. However, what I believe she said was: I want to heal you from your pain. That is my one wish. At least, that is what I'm able to understand."

"...! You were able to understand that, Malleus?"

"Yes. Does this concern you, Lilia?"

"... No. But I'm amazed you were able to."

"Of course, Lilia-sama. There is nothing Waka-sama does not know!" Sebek praised his prince once more. Deep down, however, he wished he knew what the elusive singer was saying in case this 'siren' was a threat.

"Well, whoever they are, I look forward to meeting them. Huhuhu~"

The sound of walking from the entrance noted the arrival of the silver haired boy, Silver. He was donned in his Dorm Uniform styled in the same way as Sebek. "Good evening everyone."

"Good evening, Silver. Where have you been?"

"My apologies, everyone. I would have been here sooner, but I was stopped by someone on the way here."

"Oya? Who would they be?"

"Greetings and salutations, Diasomnia." From behind Silver, the infamous new staff welcomed themselves into the Dorm. "Finally, I get to meet the famous Prince of the Valley of Thorns and his posse." The doctor gave a formal bow to Malleus and his classmates.

"And you are?"

"Dr. Marmalade. Me and my assistant, Gamma, have been hired by Dire Crowley as this school's Counselor."

"Counselor? Forgive me, but you appear to look like someone who works with machines," Silver pointed out.

Marmalade laughed at his response. "You're fine. I get that often."

"A counselor?! Never would I expect for humans to be so weak minded that they require another one of their kind for therapy!" Sebek was quick to voice his disdain. "I'll have you know that Waka-sama has no conflicts nor ailments that would require your services!"

"Blood pressure and Anxiety levels within Sebek Zigvolt are at 89%. Yoga and meditation therapy is required eminently." Lilia had to hold his laughter from Gamma's statement as he watched the young freshman flounder about.


"Suure thing, Zigvolt." Marmalade noticed the boy Silver was asleep standing. "Is this normal or...?"

"Sadly, yes. We have looked for many remedies, but came up with none." Lilia lamented. "It hasn't affected him too greatly with his grades I assure you."

"I get it, Vicewarden Vanrouge. No need to get defensive." They raised their hands in surrender. They had a small hunch about the short man's relationship to the narcolep, but they let it be for now.

The prince seemed to grow curious about the Counselor's antics. "You are quite an interesting one, Dr. Marmalade."

"Why thank you, your Highness." They handed him a small paper slip with their room location and number. "If you or anyone else in your dorm feels a little under the weather-no pun intended," They jokingly said. "You all are more than welcome to stop by at any time."

"Will there be snacks?" Lilia asked.

"Plenty. Homemade or store bought; you name it, we have it." Gamma waved two small party themed flags in his hands.

Malleus chuckled a little at the machine's fanfare. 'Seems to me this year will be quite enjoyable than the lasts.'

"We'll keep that in mind, Doctor. Thank you."

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