Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 8b)

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Previously: A stern tone broke their little social bubble. The person who spoke was approaching them with firm strides, a person serious and confident in their abilities. And that someone was-

Riddle Rosehearts. Head of the Pediatric Division and one of the best nurses in Night Raven Medical Center. And Meryu's boss.


~Twisted Tonelico~

"Hello, Dr. Riddle," Meryu bowed immediately while still maintaining a pleasant tone. "Just finished another successful procedure, I take it?"

"Of course. I have never failed a single one. You think me a fool, Melenas-san?" He spoke almost arrogantly.

"Not at all, sir. I'm proud of your work ethic and hope to get there myself someday." She spoke so evenly and casually despite the near panic attack Deuce is experiencing seeing Riddle inside his friend's mind.

"How is he here?! Why is he here?!" He whispered to Mirg.

"Chill, Deuce. That ain't the real Riddle. Remember what I told you and Acey-boy before? About how her mind works?"

"Ah, right..." He recalled what Mirg said before.

"Contrary to what you see, what happens in Meryu-chan's Cosmosphere is what her mind imagines the world to be. And yeah, you'll see some folks you know walkabout, but keep in mind that ain't' the real them. So watch that you don't go confusing this world with reality, got it?"

'Still,' Deuce thought to himself. 'It's kinda freaky to see someone I know here acting as someone else.'

Said ruby haired boy gave the Spade a once over. "Is he your newest assistant?"

"Not quite. He's a Chief of Police. In training, of course."

"I see. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well, Riddle-sa- I mean! Dr. Rosehearts."

Riddle seemed to have bought Deuce's greeting despite the slip up before facing Meryu once more. "Don't shirk your duties just to engage with others. You represent our Medical Institute after all."

"Yes sir." She said before Riddle's pager went off, informing him of an alert from the Pediatric ORs. "Oh. Need a hand, Doctor?"

"No. Remember your properties, Melenas-san." He warned her. After that, he left for his next emergency procedure. Once he was gone from their site, Meryu sighed in disappointment.

"I just want to help," She felt a hand on her shoulder before looking to see sea foam green eyes staring at her with warmth and confidence.

"You'll get your chance, Meryu-san. I believe in you."

That got a small laugh out of her. "Thank you, Deuce." She clapped her face in her hands before turning serious. "Now, wanna help me with some patients Mr. Officer?"

"Is that allowed?"

"It is in my book! Let's go!"

~Meanwhile Deuce dived, Night Raven: RTG~

As Spade was diving inside Meryu, Marmalade and Gamma had shown him the advanced Alchemy course he's to do for both himself and Deuce, and Meryu in emergency situations: Grathmelding! Grim participated as well, only after making a deal with the two professors that he won't blow up the lab so long as they let him train as well. Against their better judgement, Marmalade relented and showed Grim Grathmelding as well.

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