Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 8a)

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Previously: "What am I, his keeper?!" Ace whined. Before he could even continue with his rant, said bluenette came running to them. "Speak of the over achiever."

"What's wrong?" The expression he wore was quite worrying to see.

"Trey-senpai! He-"

~Twisted Tonelico~

"What did you get on him, Gamma?"

"A sprained ankle. None severe, however bedrest is highly recommended." He answered.

"Not bad, I suppose..." Marmalade said as they monitored the sleeping bi-specicle boy in the nursing beds. "Hopefully this didn't set back Rosehearts' mental state."

"His heart rate was high, but I detected it was from his fear of Trey Clover's injuries rather than his own prevented demise."

"However, this incident marks the seventh recorded stair fall within the last seventy two hours." the robot added.

'Dammit.' The doctor thought. 'This is getting ridiculous. Who or what is doing all this?!' As Crowley was tending and getting reports from each injured child, Marmalade and Gamma took it upon themselves(under his order) to study the CCTV's with help of a particular Housewarden to get a better understanding of these cases.

Unfortunately, some of the cameras were placed in areas that were hard to view. And the few that weren't showed too many people lumped together over the wounded, making it impossible to deduce anyone who is the most suspicious/ knows more than they're letting on. They chewed on their thumb nail in agitation. 'And if this keeps up, it'll delay everything that needs to be done with the girl. Meryu won't be reliable enough to subdue the culprit in her current state. If there is one.'

They observed the sleeping boy, glad that he didn't suffer anything fatal. They were about to order Gamma to move him until a noise by the door caught their attention.

They look to see the four greenhorns from the other day. They raised a brow at the students, while the nurse reprimanded them for barging in carelessly before stepping away to tend to someone else. Spade and Melenas apologized profusely while Trappola and Grim ignored him, searching for Trey.

"Who knew you kids know how to make an entrance," They said amusingly.

Meryu apologized again to Marmalade, as did Deuce. Ace on the other hand cutted right to the chase. "Sensei, is Trey-senpai here?" he asked.

They hiked a thumb to their right, pointing to the unconscious senior. "Sleeping like a lump on a log. He isn't injured badly, but he does need bedrest." They watch as the others go to see him. Relief washing onto their faces, then anger.

"Can't believe senpai got hurt."

"How did this happen?"

"Mr. Clover," Meryu lamented. Marmalade placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He's fine, kiddo. Trust me." They look to Gamma beside them. "Take him back to Heartslabyul. And be gentle, k? He's not a sack of potatoes."

"Bedtime mode engaged." But even with that directive, Gamma slug Clover over his bulky shoulder and walked out of the room. The way he carried Trey out left the group concerned for the boy's welfare.

The doctor could only shake their head in mild humour. "Everytime."

"Sensei, do you know what happened to Trey-senpai?"

"According to the one eye witness we have, who also seems to be a target of interest, he fell saving Rosehearts from falling."

"Mr. Riddle?!"

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