Phase 03-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor (pt. 9)

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Previously: While disappointed his card soldiers were partially taken, Riddle understood some reason behind them being assigned as these 'Guardians' for Melenas.

"Even so, do NOT shirk your responsibilities to the Queen of Hearts' Rules, understand you two?"

"Hai, Housewarden!!!"

~Twisted Tonelico~


"We gotta prove to him this'll benefit his people."

~Presia dea infel khal omnis, na crudea~

"He won't listen, Oswald."

~Na dhezeall herra~

"He doesn't for now. You still have that song of hope don't ya?"

~Hartes herra rol lasye yor beng~

"I do. But, I'd rather we try something else when we meet him again. Lest we get a repeat of the Queen."

"Oh, hehe...right... So, what do you have in mind then, Mes?"

"Rather than my song of hope, you should give him yours, Oswald. The King will love hearing from you more than me."

~Wee wol ra afezeria wasara phira walasye yorr~

"Me? Why?"

~Van parge syec sunaht hueaf an sabl~

"Cause he'll listen to you more than me."

"Your voice might even be enough to sway him from hurting others again!"


Oswald's voice could sway the king from harming others again? The king has hurt others before?

~Night Raven: Main Street~

The following day, Meryu and Grim waited by the statues of the Great Seven for the others to arrive. Before they retired for the evening, the Heartslabyul seniors(Cater and Riddle since Trey is out of commission) offered to provide some aid to the case. Anxiety had a chokehold on the Reyvateil as she knew time was running out.

Even if some of the accidents have suddenly dwindled down for the time being, she can't help shake this feeling that something worse may be coming soon.

She petted Grim's head as she allowed him to sleep in a little til the others met up with them. To stave off some of the stress, she hummed a small tune to herself and her feline friend.

(~Rre nuih fountaina~

~Rre sheak loss,~

~Wee ki erra hymme rudje werlla mea xest dilete~

~En teyys yor yanje, ee yor.~)

As she hummed, she kept thinking about her need to ensure no one else got hurt.

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